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Thread: Bravo Company - Leadership Opportunity

Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4.
Company Commander: Randuken

  1. #31
    Lazarus_M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Beastmode View Post
    I was on TS that night Lazarus, let's setup a firm date where we can get online and meet. I got my MIC for the PC in the mail from Amazon the other day so we can go ahead and green light any meetings.

    Please post the time and date that best fits your guys personal schedules as I can accommodate it. Please keep in mind that I will be unavailable from August 14th-24th as I'm heading on a Cruise to Cozumel Mexico. I would prefer to have these interviews done prior to the 14th of August so that we can go ahead and get some sort of foundation setup prior to my departure.

    Also, keep in mind. This interview process is for ANYONE willing and wanting to step up so don't be shy!


    CAG Beastmode
    Sorry about the late reply referring to the TS schedule I was slightly busy with some stuff. I can be on tonight but I found out that my Mic doesn't work right with my computer yet so I can only type. I get off from work at around 9:30 and I should and home around 10:30. I do want to schedule a date and I'll still interested in the role.

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  2. #32
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazarus_M View Post
    Sorry about the late reply referring to the TS schedule I was slightly busy with some stuff. I can be on tonight but I found out that my Mic doesn't work right with my computer yet so I can only type. I get off from work at around 9:30 and I should and home around 10:30. I do want to schedule a date and I'll still interested in the role.
    Sounds good just give me a solid date and time you will fondue be available and I'll make sure I'm there

    Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
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  3. #33
    Lazarus_M's Avatar
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    Alright I'll message you later tonight on the time I'll be on

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  4. #34
    Lazarus_M's Avatar
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    I cannot find the freakin TS3 folder. Well I found it but I cannot access it, it will not open up the program and i cannot reinstall it because its being a pain in the ass. Idk what i can do. The OS that i have is the ubuntu and its a pain to do stuff on it

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  5. #35
    Lazarus_M's Avatar
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    I'm on my phone with the TS3 app if you want to do the meeting now, I'll be on for a long time.

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  6. #36
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Got the chance to get with Lzarus_M yesterday and still looking for a few more people to step up and want to get involved. Please post a solid time and date here that I can meet up with you. Preferably prior to August 14th as I will be leaving to head on an all expense paid Cruise to Cozumel, Mexico.


    CAG Beastmode

    CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
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  7. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Beastmode For This Fucking Post:

    CAG JB (August 3rd, 2015)

  8. #37
    Lazarus_M's Avatar
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    @Beastmode, i have done a direct invite thread for one of my friend from my old clan. She is very good and I think she will help out will recruiting. Are they anything else that I need to do since I made the thread? Also, for iToasterxx he does not have any dlc so he can not do the first part of the Destiny Marksman which requires you to do it on Vangaurd Roc. Will it be ok if he does it on the Vanvaurd Tiger but rather than 55 kills and 2 death could it be 65 kills and 2 deaths? Just to make up for the level difference or does it not matter?

    CAG Dogg Level: 35 [?]
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  9. #38
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by Lazarus_M View Post
    @Beastmode, i have done a direct invite thread for one of my friend from my old clan. She is very good and I think she will help out will recruiting. Are they anything else that I need to do since I made the thread? Also, for iToasterxx he does not have any dlc so he can not do the first part of the Destiny Marksman which requires you to do it on Vangaurd Roc. Will it be ok if he does it on the Vanvaurd Tiger but rather than 55 kills and 2 death could it be 65 kills and 2 deaths? Just to make up for the level difference or does it not matter?
    I'm unsure of how Destiny exactly works but you'll for sure want to cater to whatever is available to him.

    And the direct invite is something we very rarely use but if you're insistent on doing it please keep in mind it just does away with her 2 week period she will still need to sign up to the forums and do her marksman games

    Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
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  10. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Beastmode For This Fucking Post:

    CHONG (August 3rd, 2015)

  11. #39
    Lazarus_M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Beastmode View Post
    I'm unsure of how Destiny exactly works but you'll for sure want to cater to whatever is available to him.

    And the direct invite is something we very rarely use but if you're insistent on doing it please keep in mind it just does away with her 2 week period she will still need to sign up to the forums and do her marksman games

    Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
    I thought for the direct invite that if a member invites them then they do not have to do the marksman but they still have the 2 week period? She already joined, register and filled out an application though. Alright I'll tell him its no problem for that marksman.

    CAG Dogg Level: 35 [?]
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  12. #40
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    What a direct invite does -
    It skips that 2 week probationary period awarding the invited the Dogg ribbon which in turn allows them to become a member.
    The person that initially sends the direct invite is held accountable for the person in which they are bringing in to CAG as what they initially are saying with this invite is "Hell this persons going to be a real asset to the clan and show everything that's needed".This is why marksman still needs to be achieved as it will show that the person is willing to put work in,same goes with each weapon badge.
    CAG JB

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  13. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    Beastmode (August 4th, 2015)

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