And it will take some major getting used to after playing cod and bf for so long without this style of game being around
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Eh once we get some full CAG lobbies going and lock shit down it will all fall back into place. All the people I played against last night were without a doubt COD players. I knew because the when defending the bomb they all would bust out of the building and try to turn it into a tdm
xPARCHx (September 23rd, 2015)
is this implying that people will have a IN GAME role? such as we dont have a choice in the matter?
I'll defend the hell outta that bomb until my last dying breath is shot out of me
CAG JB (December 8th, 2015)
Sould I am guessing this is the format you were referring to. I still like this. The only suggestion I have would be instead of a Weapons Seargent, what about an Operator Specialist. As all the operators only have 2-3 weapons to choose from I feel they would be more useful know what operators go best with what situations so as to not accidently kill the hostage, or have extra help finding the bomb. Let me know what you think and I can start drafting up a Roster for us to start filling in
Adjust it how ever works best for you. It's just a starting guide. Get with Jdiamond and see what setups work best as I'm sure it may differ from one game mode or map to the next. As you work on the administration side he needs to be feeding you map break down and tactics information. Then you two together can come up with the best solutions. I don't want to just win. I want us to destroy anyone who enters a lobby with CAG.
A blood stain turns orange after you wash it but that's normal right?
CAG JB (December 8th, 2015)