What grinds my gears is when people are disrespectful to the flag in general. It's like if you really hate America that much you can leave no ones stopping you.
Discuss anything from suggestions, ideas here. No holds barred in this forum, beware and you have been warned!
FLY1458 (August 8th, 2015),Rednek (August 7th, 2015),Rise-KingJames (August 8th, 2015)
Rise-KingJames (August 8th, 2015)
What's been grinding my gears is people on social media. Since it's there and easily passed they deem their own words to be god like and like it should be written as scripture.
Where do I register for my ISIS hunting license?
Rise-KingJames (August 8th, 2015),xPARCHx (August 16th, 2015)
My auto correct on my phone is irritating af too
Where do I register for my ISIS hunting license?
I agree completely. It may be covered under freedom of speech, but flag burning, in my opinion, is reserved for the case of a revolution.
That said, I'm holding a little event next week. You will be able to spot me easily... I'll be the one standing next to the tank.
Sent from my Super Juicer 3000 using Tapatalk.
CAG Covieleader (August 17th, 2015)
At least its cold enough to keep ur wang down so they dont know ur staring at frozen camel toes....
What grinds my gears is ppl telling me to put a coat on in the winter... fuck if i want to wear a tshirt in -40 weather thats my choice dont be imposing your down filled straightjackets upon me bitches.
You know what grind my gears?
CAG Grimlock..
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
CAG CheechDogg (August 16th, 2015),CAG JB (August 16th, 2015),OnixEwok (August 16th, 2015)