Hello CAG I'm the new guy wishing to join. My name is Michael or Lazarus but you can call me Laz. I'm on the PS3 and I play mainly Advanced Warfare, then Destiny, rocksmith, and need for speed. I like to play hard core domination, core domination, and hard point. I usually wait and see what type of enemy I'm facing before really trying. I dont want to be a huge dick to someone that is new but I dont want to take t easy when they are tough. My play style is defensively then holding off the enemy then i kick in it high gear. Then i will play aggressively and start taking objectives. I do not play uplink, capture the flag or SnD. Those modes just does not appeal to me. I have a speech impairment that makes me stutter so naturally i'm shy at first. But after I get to know you better I'll start to talk more. I already did an application but if they are anything else i need to do please tell me. So till i play with yall see you later.