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Thread: a Guide To Shooting Your Load Effectively With Ground Vehicles

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    Tastylemons's Avatar
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    a Guide To Shooting Your Load Effectively With Ground Vehicles

    (TL;DR - Short story, pewpew kill stuff inevitably get c4'd)

    Well, I was kind of bored, and figured I would give the ground vehicles some love. Here are some of my general tips, loadouts, and gameplay style with these ground vehicles. I don’t boast amazing stats as of yet with these vehicles, mostly due to the fact that I don’t make it a point to always been in a vehicle. I like to run with a bit of everything. But, when I am in these vehicles I tend to shine.

    General tips:
    -Keep the front of your vehicle facing the action, at an angle. The rear of your vehicle, specifically tanks, is your Achilles heel.
    -These are not an invincible chariots of war.. Don’t charge the enemy like some mad man. On dense cover maps follow the advancement of the infantry, and provide them support against armor. On more open maps you can push up a little more, while flipping in and out of 3rd person.
    -Do not camp an area. Even if you’re defending an area that is secured by infantry. People tend to stick to an area if they are doing well, but this will eventually annoy someone into hunting you down with c4. Make that hard on them, and move from point to point every now and then (again, let the infantry do the capping when they can)
    -These loadouts all share active protection. Do not feel the need to pop your protection immediately when under fire. Take one or two hits then pop it right before they land a third, or pop it if you are getting hit from behind and/or surrounded by fire.
    -Stick to flat land, always try to be moving a little bit (still is never good), and use your map to help stay on the road while backing up and firing.
    -Rough terrain, however, is extremely helpful. Have some air targets that are slightly too high to aim at? Elevate your tank on a hill, or piece of cover and shatter their hopes and dreams. You can also bait another armor vehicle to follow you onto uneven ground. If you know the sweet spots and they don’t they’ll either have to stop on a flat area and engage, or try their best to shot you while bouncing around.
    -Like all vehicles these take practice. Use them often, and if you’re continually dying it could be one of two reasons of which you need to identify, 1) you’re making an error on your end like going to one point over and over again or bum rushing a bunch of engineers, or 2) the other team is just dominating at one end, whether it be air or ground. If it is the 1st then stop doing whatever you’re doing because your team is noticing that and judging you heavily, if it is the 2nd then stop using whatever you were using and find something to counter whatever they are using (ie. Stingers if air, flanking if snipers, complaining heavily to dice if shotguns, etc)..

    Main Battle Tank:
    Loadout: AP Shell, HMG, Active Protection, Zoom Optics, Reactive Armor, (Gunner Zoom, Gunner Incendiary)

    -Most the tips above, and also remember these things have crazy range. Do not feel the need to charge an enemy if your infantry is already doing that. Sit back, pin down the enemy infantry, and take out armor from a distance with the support of your advancing infantry when able. A good tank kill will have the enemy saying “where the F did that come from?”

    Infantry Fighting Vehicles:
    Loadout: 25mm HE Shell, Zuni Rockets, Active Protection, Zoom Optics, Reactive Armor, (Gunner zoom, Gunner Incendiary)

    -Zuni rockets over tow because as stated this vehicle is best at killing infantry. The rockets are great against close armor targets, but will also shred up a building and cover.

    Mobile Anti-Aircraft:
    Loadout: 30mm Cannon, Active Radar Missiles, Active Protection, Zoom Optics, Reactive Armor
    -These should never be further than your main tanks. Enemy tanks will shred these vehicles.
    -These are not only anti-aircraft, but can also excel in killing infantry, and distracting/aiding in destroying enemy armor (only when already engaged with friendlies, DON’T engage by yourself)
    -Always be scanning the map, and be a snipers worst enemy. These can get quite a bit of range to reach those high spots that snipers love to camp on. You might not kill them, but you can disrupt their sniping and force them to move.

    Loadout: C4 lathered all over that jeep *licks lips*
    -Do not be afraid to use. This is a great deterrent against enemies who are kicking your ass on the ground.

    Please post your own thoughts, and opinions!

    In the meantime here are a few highlights from my 4th of July weekend gameplay to highlight some of these tips.

    Using the MAA most proper (..also c4 at the end, most proper)

    (Skip to the middle of the video) A lesson in sniping with the tank

    Destroying the Hopes and Dreams of Air Vehicles
    "I once had to beat a man to death with his own shoes..."

    CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
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  2. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Tastylemons For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (July 6th, 2015),HG867 (July 6th, 2015),StormySGT ELIAS (July 7th, 2015)

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