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Thread: Legalize It. Oregon

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  1. #1
    Prod1gy's Avatar
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    March 5th, 2025
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    Prineville Oregon
    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Legalize It. Oregon

    Was wondering about people's thoughts on he new legalization of marijuana use in Oregon. As of July 1 anyone 21 and up can posess and use weed. You are allowed 8 ounces in your possession, and one ounce while you travel. No public use is allowed, you can make your own edibles, butters and such. You can grow 4 plants on your own property, no apartments or anything, it must be private property. Now I myself am an avid user of marijuana, I need it medically for a spinal injury I had 12 years ago. I have had two spinal surgeries and am due for another. I use it everyday and am thankful for this new law, I just wanted to see how everyone else feels about this. Let me know my CAG friends.f157551f19b2ce4ce4c29f957e9b9ba1

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  2. #2
    Franks101st's Avatar
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    I see no issues at all with the use of Marijuana, either medically or recreationally. It is no more harmful than tobacco or Alcohol. Taxation is the biggest obstacle to total federal de-regulation. Give it a few years and it will be nation wide. Hell, I can marry a man anywhere now, why can't I light up a blunt?

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
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  3. #3
    CAG Stud
    CAG JB's Avatar
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    Northern Ireland

    This topic is something of which we don't condone or discuss around the forums.We do not wish to be associated with any reference of drug use at

    While I understand what your topic is and where your coming from respectfully I ask you to not discuss any drug use on the forums at
    CAG JB

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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