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Thread: Greetings Battlefield

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  1. #1
    semperdog1775's Avatar
    Rep Points: 34491
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    Local Date
    March 4th, 2025
    Local Time
    01:29 AM
    Senior Member

    Greetings Battlefield

    My name is CAG Twonn and I have recently became the senior enlisted advisor to the joint chiefs of staff. What does this mean? It means from time to time I may be tasked with something from the joint chiefs of staff (CAG Beastmode) to get accomplished. It also means that as the senior enlisted person I act as all your voices (enlisted). So if you have any suggestions, recomemedations, problems that can't be handled within your squad you can come to me. Now if it is something involving Battlefield specifically I ask that you go through you chain of command. But if it refers to the clan please come to me. I have an open door policy I just ask that you go through your chain so they are aware and so they can come to me to let me know. I served in the Marine Corp for 14 years and I have a lot of mentoring/problem resolution skills. I am in now way here or put in this position to take the power from your chain of command. I am here to help when you need help, or have suggestions. I thank you all.

    CAG Twonn

    CAG Dogg Level: 40 [?]
    Experience: 2,099,831
    Next Level: 2,111,327

  2. The Following 6 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to semperdog1775 For This Fucking Post:

    CAG Cookie (July 1st, 2015),CAG JB (July 2nd, 2015),HG867 (July 3rd, 2015),StormySGT ELIAS (July 1st, 2015),Tastylemons (July 2nd, 2015),xPARCHx (July 1st, 2015)

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