Requests For WOT Forum In Prep For Release This Month
Could we please have a sub-forum in order to request proficiency medals?
Below there are a few suggestions for said proficiency medals with insignia, requirements and point values
I am aware that the images i made are not quite suitable as cheech has mentioned int he past that they become pixalated when trying to alter/ impliment them
Marksman award has a medal made by cheech linked where the insignia should go and all awards have been slightly renamed per cheech's instruction to distinguish them from the proficiency medals already in place
Armored Marksman:
Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg
- Destroy 2 vehicle's in a battle and survive.
- Must have a full member present to confirm game or provide screenshot
- Must achieve 5 marksman games within trial period
value: 25
Armored Sharpshooter:
Awaiting Insignia
- Destroy 4 vehicle's in a battle and survive.
- Must have a full member present to confirm game
- Must achieve 10 Armored Sharpshooter games.
Value: 50
Armored Expert:
Awaiting Insignia
- Destroy 6 vehicle's in a battle and survive.
- Must have a full member present to confirm game
- Must achieve 20 Armored Sharpshooter games.
Value: 150
The link to the thread in which marksman insignia was discussed and feedback was given can be located HERE
Contained in the above thread are suggestions to both the Sharphooter and i think the expert equivilant medal. This Forum was also bumped prior to release on the X1 to request further feedback from tankers and for the attention of HQ
Damage options have been removed from the requirments to simplify things and encourage teamwork. Medals which are damge orrientated can be added at a later time as the company grows and interest for more medals with it
Last edited by SprayAim; August 7th, 2015 at 01:27 AM.
CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
Experience: 18,494,734
Next Level: 19,059,430
Also, go back and look at some of mine and silents threads on marksman requirements and make adjustments if you need to. It's your call
I took requirements mentioned in the past in to consideration, thought it simpler to eliminate the damage option... If the general consensus is to leave this in then who am I to argue with the masses
Just wanted to get suggestions out there so the foundations are laid for release day
Hitting the ground running with an established model will be the best plan of action here to not deter any possible members for this game thinking they are joining an unfinished model - if anyone has suggestions feel free to share them
1st Lieutenant
Executive Officer (XO)
Bravo Company
CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
Experience: 18,494,734
Next Level: 19,059,430
get a medal made up and we can have one... lol - i dont have the time to make any more art.. i have basic skills so the smallest tasks take me an age to do and look terrible when complete. please see op for proof :P
CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
Experience: 18,494,734
Next Level: 19,059,430