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Thread: J1 Duties And Expectations

Recruitment HQ for CAG: All conversations regarding our recruitment efforts will be here.

  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    SprayAim's Avatar
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    March 14th, 2025
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    J1 Duties And Expectations

    J1 – Personnel and Manpower Team
    • Maintains the Clan Roster, ensuring that members are logging into the forums
    • Makes note of members who have not logged on for X amount of days and passes it to the appropriate C.O.C. to ensure we are proactive on keeping members on the forums.
    • Monitors over the recruitment team to ensure that all CAG Recruitment posts are being posted on daily and that Recruiters are doing their jobs.
    • Monitors members looking to move up in the ranks providing suggestive feedback on each individual members (Takes into account forum post count, XBL activity and other intangibles)

    As you can see from the list of duties above, we are more than just recruiters. Please read and understand the above text to know what is expected of all of you.

    My aim is to ensure you guys are following these instructions and responsibilities and to assist you in achieving your goals.

    We have a list of all recruitment threads which need to be maintained/ bumped daily. Main contributors will be noted and evaluated by myself. We are a team and should act as such. Each new recruit/ referal from one of us is a win for the team.

    Be on the lookout for any other sites we can use for recruiting on all games CAG support. relevant posts should be made with clear, informative text about why they should join CAG. No garish colours or inappropriate talk should be used. Every time we post we represent CAG, remain professional.

    In addition to recruiting via a main post, be on the lookout for players "looking for a clan ps3, x1 etc" do not spam these posts with generic responses, get a little personal.... Explain in a few short words that we are on the lookout for new members for this game with a quick introduction and a link to our main recruit thread. Feel free to give them your XBL or PSN ID if they would like to discuss it further

    Do not go in to vast detail when making a post, tl;dr are very off putting.... markmsan games, various awards, ranking structure can all be detailed once they are on the site and /or in a party with members.

    If any of you need help, advice or a problem solving, just hit me up by xbl, kik or pm and ill be there!

    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
    Experience: 18,466,335
    Next Level: 19,059,430

  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to SprayAim For This Fucking Post:

    Wardaddy (August 21st, 2015)

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