JR_Killer_42 = Didn't added him yet
CEO-Stealth_Inc = didn't added him yet
WinteryApollo15 ( PSN fury_x_42) Didn't added him yet
Native-Gunnz = asked how to do his marksman
MutatedAssassin = no response
undead1397 = no response
TheClashGames = Try do his marksman
CrowFarrell = no response
ShotRedemption = no response
H-A-V-I-C_4 = no response
carson1211 = no response yet
xToxicDreamr (Idk about him he hasn't responded to me) = responded, but not sure if he ever will join us
Termin_x11 = completed his marksman, already
keenan_weiner (The last 3 Idk if they are still in or what, please confirm if they are) = no response yet
Baron8t8 = no response and even wrong PSN ID
dartwuff = no response