Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
CHONG (September 9th, 2015),Rise-KingJames (September 9th, 2015)
Rise-KingJames (September 9th, 2015)
Thunderking1- Completed marksman.Completed Sharpshooter. Process date 9/16/2015
SpikeTheNewb- Completed marksman. Process date 9/16/2015
Poprocks184- Completed marksman. Process date 9/20/2015
xTANK1x- marksman started. Process date 9/21/2015
ThatRockst4r- applying tonight or tomorrow.
Copy- be done in 10
Beast don't forget to sticky that thread for me lok
Steve-o_stiffler (November 7th, 2015)
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