Ronibubba 03/22/16 Supererick 03/22/16 b00ty_salad666 03/25/16 El_capitano_tim 03/26/16 Simply_Accurate3 03/27/16 Simply_to_ezy 03/27/16 Monsterkawi_12 03/27/16 Sckazix 03/31/16
Info About these Recruits
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Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
Ronibubba 03/22/16 Supererick 03/22/16 b00ty_salad666 03/25/16 El_capitano_tim 03/26/16 Simply_Accurate3 03/27/16 Simply_to_ezy 03/27/16 Monsterkawi_12 03/27/16 Sckazix 03/31/16
Info About these Recruits
"Share You Love And Be Loved"
Check the other roster Bert. Simply's are gone. Supererick has not completed marksman so dont put in for his medal.
I have to reach out to MonsterKawi and El capitano needs to be put back to registered.
Ronibubba can be processed as a casual as well as Schazix.
Sidenote: Supererick expressed in a pm that was very confusing that he was not interested
Batman_OnA_Stick (April 3rd, 2016)
Process as casual
Process these two as casual with just the dogg ribbon
Sckazix (April 3rd, 2016)
Monster joined our meeting and confirmed he was still a member. I don't know the status of his badges, however.
Here are three recruits who are approaching their process dates.
Please process as a full member on 4/11/16. He has completed his marksmen, and sharpshooter badge.
Should be processed as full member on 4/12/16, however this is pending his last marksmen correction. He had posted an incorrect game mode. Just needs to take a game from his sharpshooter and apply it to his marksmen.
Please process on 4/12/16 as a full member. Marksmen has been completed.
CAG JB (April 10th, 2016),HakunaMatataDoe (April 10th, 2016)
Doing a quick update on a few of the recruits that process dates are also approaching this week.
Supererick should be removed as a recruit as he has expressed he no longer has interest in the clan.
MyHeadGlitchDo is suppose to be processed today, but never started a marksmen, sending one last message out to him to see if he would at least like to be a casual member
Breakyoselfniga I didn't see an active marksmen thread, however, I will message him again to see if he would like to start on it, or least be processed as casual
Drac_The_Reaper This recruit is in the process of getting his own PS4. He is on very sporadically due to this, but totally wants to be a full member eventually. When his process date comes up on 4/16 process as casual so he can pick up when he gets his system
Does anyone have information on Ahmed_Baki? Some say he quit, while others say he hasn't? He has completed his badges, and is approaching his process date
Ahmed_Baku has indeed left the clan he can be removed.
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