Alright, and it was just a suggestion, doesn't actually have to happen
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Forum is for the discussion of Call Of Duty's Bravo Company on the Playstation 3 & 4. Company Commander: Randuken
It would be nice but what about we would have to find out all of the people that play aw
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I play aw and I'm a new recruit. My xb1 gt is ll Skadoosh ll
l = L
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No you are right we do need one for AW tho. Like I said earlier only a very few players plays the game. That includes you, myself, mrtermin, theclashgames and bertushead. We could start a clan wars clan but need a name and figure out who becomes leader on it. I will probably be on Destiny more now anyways so that kind of counts me out but i really don't mind. My suggestion was to find a "leader" for the clan wars clan amongst the PS3 players and have that player make the clan. I believe that is was you that mention it first and with that i would say that could be "leader." Or if they are a more former way to determine who leader than Idk who else it could be. Then I got a few suggestions for Destiny too but I'll wait on that and see what y'all say about this.
I rarely see mrtermin on aw, he's on blop2 mainly, other then myself and yourself there is only bertushead that I've seen play. I haven't got theclashgames on my list though. Out of the three bearing in mind you're more on destiny, I'd go for the higher ranking which would be bertushead
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Yeah I'll probably be on Destiny more now since I got the the House of Wolves dlc. If you feel like bertushead should that's fine with me. I thought I should at least give you the chance to do it since you mention it first that I'm aware of. We can ask bertushead it's he/she wants to
I currently have a PSN Clan for Advanced warfare, called CAG clan. I will add all recruits that I can, and give officer ranks etc.
Rise-KingJames (July 22nd, 2015)
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