Keep track, update or start your COD: AW Marksman's Badge thread here
SprayAim (June 26th, 2015)
That's good to hear.
If any PS members read this, I play on my PS4 console, name is layserman2.
I am the ex-PS Division leader, and I am hoping to resume that title.
If you have any queries, please hit me up, and we are creating a forum for PS members soon.
Leadership will be required on both PS3 and PS4 we have 2 players (Layser and Bertus) who would like to step up for us.
So shows us what ya guys can do as I look forward to watching PS Division grow!
Sent from my SCH-R970 using Tapatalk
CAG JB (June 26th, 2015),HEADHUNTER1030 (June 26th, 2015),layserman2 (June 27th, 2015),Randuken (June 26th, 2015)
Great bertus,
i still have my ps3 console although it would take about 3 days to update, lol xD.
Looking forward to going ahead with you, and picking up where I left off.
EXEprog527 (June 27th, 2015)
Hey, I have all the necessary photos for the final 6 already prepped, and i cannot post them as they will exceed my quota for picture sizes?
should i make a part 2?
not using tapatalk at all.
I'm hitting a maximum quota when I use the insert picture button for replies.
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