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Thread: I Am Sorry

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  1. #1
    Lesbehonest's Avatar
    Rep Points: 58247
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    Local Date
    March 7th, 2025
    Local Time
    09:27 AM
    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I Am Sorry

    First off I am sorry I let my CAG members down in last weekend clan war. Also yes, I have been given an infraction and a very bad mistake was on my part especially in a leadership role. No, I'm not going to be ranting on how I didn't get my way or leaving the clan. I will learn from my mistakes and keep going on.
    Also on a further note: For those in the past hours I have been speaking with on Xbox I do not remember what I said and received an anxiety attack a couple hours ago. This was due to many reasons of hidden emotions coming full front. Now I'm on certain medications to help anxiety but can still have these attacks.
    On a personal note with everyone I have been diagnosed again with depression and been diagnosed with GAD(generalized anxiety disorder) and possibly PTSD. I have not taken the news well considering I cannot go into the military as wanted and can't do certain things that I'm used to doing. With that being said my family as a whole thanks to college and hospital bills are tight on money and my job is below the minimum wage for the entire United States($7 an hour and can only do 40 hours).
    If you wish to help me within the next couple of days to vent and etc that's okay but my emotions will be dipping since my anxiety is still through the roof. Also my dad has not been accepting of who I am and what I'm doing with my life (not playing soccer and me being a lesbian). This is not me being Omg pity on her or a pity party.. I am just stating what's happening and being "open". I apologize to everyone in CAG for this weekend but I am just moving on and learning from this mistake. I should know better and it was stupid and dumb. I am still the same person and won't be going anywhere. If you wish not to talk to me or play with me that's fine, I will understand. Hope everyone has a great day and possibly see some of you on later.

    ***PS not going to lie I like the purple better the brown (to shed some light and humor) **

    CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
    Experience: 11,555,499
    Next Level: 11,777,899

  2. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Lesbehonest For This Fucking Post:

    CAG Covieleader (June 17th, 2015),CAG IRISH (June 16th, 2015),SoulSeeker1972 (June 16th, 2015)

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