Alright I've taken a long enough hiatus from daily battlefield grinding. Time to be a shit bucket.
What I'm gonna try is playing from whenever I get home (4,530,6,630 whatever) until I go to the gym which I'm gonna stick with 730-8 because it's a small gym and it's less crowded then. Whether or not I get on for an hour or two afterwards will constantly be up in the air.
1. Don't join my games or parties and say nothing and/or talk nonsense not related to the round. Save it for the boards. If you can't handle that then don't join me.
2. If you can't handle strict call out only related talk I may ask you to leave the game/party.
3. If I'm host please adhere and don't get butthurt, it's just video games.
4. Save your mad for some who cares cause I don't. Mute yourself if you need to cry like a girl. Ethics. See 2.
5. Don't rage quit cause your getting shit on. Get better or get used to it. See 2.
If you can handle the disclaimers by all means join me. If not please don't and/or don't get mad if I ask you to leave the party/game. I'll be more than happy to drop a friendly reminder if you fuck up one of those things but I won't sit around and let some consistently ruin my sessions.
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