2 members are celebrating their birthday on May 27th, 2015:
-CAG ToxicBob (born in 1980, Age: 35)
-FGxBombos99 (born in 1988, Age: 27)
Happy Birthday!
This is the place to place that Happy B-day wish!
2 members are celebrating their birthday on May 27th, 2015:
-CAG ToxicBob (born in 1980, Age: 35)
-FGxBombos99 (born in 1988, Age: 27)
Happy Birthday!
CAG JB (May 28th, 2015),CAG ToxicBob (May 28th, 2015)
Happy Birthday Toxic, Hopefully this is the year that your balls drop! ♡
CAG ToxicBob (May 28th, 2015)
CAG ToxicBob (May 28th, 2015)
CAG ToxicBob (May 28th, 2015)
BlameItOnGod13 (May 28th, 2015),CAG JB (May 28th, 2015),HEADHUNTER1030 (May 28th, 2015)
Now I know the answer to that question that keeps popping up on the site asking when your balls dropped.
28th May 2015 right on Cheechs chin lol
Beastmode (May 28th, 2015),BlameItOnGod13 (May 28th, 2015),CAG ToxicBob (May 28th, 2015),HEADHUNTER1030 (May 28th, 2015)
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