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Thread: E Mother Loving 3!

COD Forums to discuss Black Ops 2, Black Ops, MW3, MW2 and other Call of Duty games

  1. #1
    DLCoconutAWSM's Avatar
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    E Mother Loving 3!

    it is no surprise blops 3 will be show cased at e3 .. so.. what i want to discuss is what you guys think they will announce as . "game changing" IN CALL OF DUTY . threyarch is known to sell better. right now they are the favorite after infinity ward had a total roster change and are not the same people from mw2 . zombies no matter what they do it is going to be amazing but i think they r going to do something like a rank system better than the one in blops 2 and in multiplayer what i think they are gong to came out swinging is on the scorestreaks . Is pretty safe to say the the streaks in ghost and in aw....are garbage, i liked what aw did with i could enhanced the scorestreaks by adding how much it was to reward it... but it could had been alot better . and the gun varients i liked the idea but the fact that you earned them randomly... its bogus... it means i can go the full season of this cod never earning the gun i wanted and the one i do have 'elite" are for guns i don't even use so that could had been better. i understand that they dint wanted to do it in a reward manner to avoid boosting but still the " random side of things and then adding the purchase side.. it ruined it for me. I cant say its pay to win....but come on...its pay to win. and sense now blos 3 its current gen console (not exclusivly) i think they are going to utilize the ram and put in way more guns and options in terms of create a class... im excited actually for this title .. i was not for ghost nor aw .. but i have faith in treyarch....and if anything the multiplayer sucks i know i can rely on zombies to make it worth the while... what do you guys want?!
    If its not awesome...its not worth it.

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  2. #2
    CAG Stud
    Beastmode's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned


    I want to see them come out and put an end to what Sledgehammer is attempting to bring to Call of Duty. Sledgehammer is bringing this micro-transactions for Supply Drops / Camo etc. in an effort to make even more money off the game. I'm not a fan of things like this, to me it's more rewarding to EARN what your character wears rather then buying your way to it. I really hope other Game Developers don't start implementing this into Call of Duty for the foreseeable future.

    Other then that, I want to see them actually listen to the fan base of the game. Exo suits were great when they first came out as it was something new and exciting but down the road you quickly came to realize that CoD has strayed away from what made the game fun and that was by allowing a variety of different ways to play and still win the game. Exo suits to me take away from the variety and you go into a game it's the same thing every time.

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  3. #3
    Villian's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Unfortunatly beast micro-transactions arent going anywhere soon, the supply drops are a fuckimg joke but as long as people are willing to pay for it then there here to stay, just look at the Madden/fifa series, the prices EA charge for mut/fut coins are nothing short of criminal but dumb Kids STILL buy them cuz they can't be arsed to grind to get a better team and have access to daddies credit card.

    I actually wouldn't be surprised if you could actually buy the specific varient you want in a dlc before to long mate, so as much as yourself, me and a lot of other people hate them, as long as the money flows then so will the micros imo

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  4. #4
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    COD strayed from what it was in the past ... When COD 4: Modern Warfare came out it was a different game than what we were all used to. Online gaming especially for 1st and 3rd person shooters were used to actual military type shooting games that simulated real war battle from around the world.

    COD 4: MW was accepted by real war simulation enthusiasts up until MW3. I personally hate the COD series but tolerated them and played them because the rest of the clan played them. It has become harder and harder to retain and even recruit players who actually play shooting games from a simulation point of view, with tact and organization.

    Black Ops 2 was my favorite COD game with Black Ops 1 right behind it. I don't have any optimistic expectations from COD games for one simple reason, they are putting way too much emphasis on futuristic combat and arcade style gameplay that attracts immature gamers who figure out ways to glitch and boost because of the bs achievements and the over rated prestige system that COD games have.

    If COD games went back to "modern warfare" and actually focused on team gameplay instead of individual bs it would bring back quality gameplay and more loyal players for gaming clans. Right now gamers want to join clans but don't want to follow clan rules or play in an organized atmosphere because of what "COD" games have introduced to the online gaming.

    It's so bad now that you don't even see real weapons in COD games anymore ! Look at COD: AW how many real weapons are in the game? Activision and Sledgehammer refused to pay for the licensing of real life weapons and instead went ahead and created their own. With COD: Ghosts they used weapons from 3rd world countries mostly South America "I" believe and never listened to the fan base with all the glitches and cheaters abusing and manipulating the horrible efforts they put into making these games.

    How hard is it to actually make a quality game that doesn't require any updates and patches like old games on the regular xbox and playstation?

    Online gaming for me has really lost my appeal. I used to spend hours every day playing online even COD games, but after Black Ops 2 I just even enjoy it like I did in the past.

    I am only one gamer and Activison could give a fuck about what I think and what most of us think because the majority of gamers are immature kids and even adults. I know I might sound repetitive but this is why game developers and publishers refuse to make quality games.

    Look around the internet at clans who started during the Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six and SOCOM days. There are not many left and CAG is one of them who is still around. I am going a bit off topic here but for a reason. Unless we get quality games like old Gen games clans are going to cease to exist.

    It is harder and harder to want to support COD games but "I" because like I said the majority of gamers play these games. It is really disappointing to see what most gamers who play COD games want to see and cry about.

    But there is still hope, Rainbow Six: Siege is coming in October and "I" am going to personally put a huge emphasis on tactful and organized gameplay once again for CAG. Right now there are way too many immature gamers who do not appreciate what a real clan is all about. That is going to change real soon.

    I hope you guys start realizing what CAG is really all about, its not about COD vs BF or COD vs anything, it's about understanding the endless possibilities that these games bring to clans when they are actually played the way real clans play them. Even if its COD Ghosts, COD AW or Black Ops, CAG has proven time and time again to be one of the last clans around to find ways to overcome the flaws in these games.

    So what am "I" really looking forward to when BLOPS 3 comes out? Real gamers who are loyal, mature, tactful and ready to represent CAG as part of a clan "Family" once again. It doesn't matter what these games have that is new or old, what does matter is what are "YOU"as a gamer going to do once this game comes out. Are you going to be a team player or a "LONEWOLF", if you choose the latter you better start looking for a new clan.
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  5. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG Covieleader (May 26th, 2015),Tricky3 (May 25th, 2015),xPARCHx (May 26th, 2015)

  6. #5
    CAG Stud
    Randuken's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Well let's hope Treyarch brings that swagger back because I remember how dominant we were in Black Ops 1 & 2 ... AW got a lick but it didn't get the whole meal.

    We had two full companies boys that means 2 Company Commanders 6 Platoon Commanders... now that's alot of people. Question is who's gonna step up and rise to the occasion.

    We have Rainbow Six and Black Ops coming, plenty of opportunity for those who want to put their ideas to the table here's your chance boys.

    I've seen CAG and it's highest and lowest points in the near 5 years I've been around. So I hope to see the next round officers making a name for themselves.

    CAG Dogg Level: 58 [?]
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  7. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Randuken For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (May 25th, 2015),CAG Covieleader (May 26th, 2015),StormySGT ELIAS (May 27th, 2015),Tricky3 (May 25th, 2015)

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