Hey guys im gonna be starting a new series in minecraft just need to see how many members are interested b4 starting a new world and such
CAG War Dog
Discuss anything from suggestions, ideas here. No holds barred in this forum, beware and you have been warned!
Hey guys im gonna be starting a new series in minecraft just need to see how many members are interested b4 starting a new world and such
CAG War Dog
Vendetta is not just my name it's my way of life
Id be down to play a little,im pretty new to Minecraft but know that playing with others would be good however the battlefield series is my main game and therefore if something comes up that side ie members wanting to work on awards or recruits chasing marksman this would need to take priority.
I completely understand im trying to help silent build up the destiny company
CAG War Dog
Vendetta is not just my name it's my way of life
CAG JB (May 15th, 2015)
Add me up man,im typically online Monday late,Tues and sometimes Wednesday.If im free il play.
Time zones euro time
Im usually on i just get called in to work if needed to fix computers
CAG War Dog
Vendetta is not just my name it's my way of life
CAG JB (May 15th, 2015)
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