Hey guys I was in the process of joining Whiskey but I moved and was without Internet for a whole add me on xbox one ID: PS3 STINKZZZZZZ I'm on all the time so I'll play to earn medals
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Not to sure if I have you added,but I can recall the gamer tag.Noticed that u had a few games with the guys last night,looked like u had fun.
Also u might want to update your name on site to match your gamertag as this will be really confusing to most members.
RainyDaiz (May 16th, 2015)
CAG JB (May 15th, 2015)
CAG JB (May 15th, 2015)
Nesty (May 16th, 2015)
Just got a quick question man as I know u mentioned you are a returning recruit(I do definitely recall the GT - PS3 STINKZZZZZZ)
Did u submit another application as I dont see another,just a thread where your going to record your marksman games?Reason I ask this is that you know that marksman and recruitment is set over a certain # of kills and also a time frame for completion over 2 weeks so therefore we need to be working out a closing date for your recruitment.
Also please make sure to submit a user name in the name change request thread so that your forum name matchs your GT - PS3 STINKZZZZZZ to limit any confusion please.
Okay so when I was logged in on the computer with my account I noticed something fishy all my profile information had been reset. I made a thread for name change. Then I realized I have used to different accounts on the CAG website.... I guess when I downloaded tapatalk to get on the forums on the go and at work I made a new account by accident and started using that one instead of my original. THIS account Im currently posting on is my real and oldest one
RainyDaiz (May 17th, 2015)
√-1__2^3__Σ__π .....and it was delicious!
CAG JB (May 19th, 2015)
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