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Thread: No Respawns In Rainbow 6, Yeah Baby !!!

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
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    No Respawns In Rainbow 6, Yeah Baby !!!

    Why Rainbow Six Siege Doesn't Let You Respawn

    Ubisoft says "One Life" rule will emphasize teamwork, tactics, and tension.

    by Eddie Makuch on October 15, 2014

    2690899 rainbow

    During multiplayer matches in 2015's Rainbow Six Siege, you will have one life. If you die, you won't get to play again until the next round. Now, developer Ubisoft Montreal has explained through an in-depth blog post why it decided on this approach for the game.

    "When designing the game, we found that above all else, the No Respawn rule touched the three main pillars of what we want in this game: teamwork, tactics, and tension," the developer said. "Not only are these three pillars at the heart of Tom Clancy's video game series, but they’re arguably absent from the FPS market today. Even when playing on a team, run and gun titles emphasize twitch reflexes while neglecting other skill sets, and you may feel disconnected from the action and all alone in your plight. With Siege, that's not the case."

    2556188 r6s screen hostagerescue e3 140609 4pm 1402348445

    Ubisoft did experiment with allowing players to respawn in an earlier build of the game, but the developer moved away from this concept because it allowed very strong solo players to carry their teams. When the No Respawn rule was implemented, this changed, and the game became more balanced as a result, Ubisoft said.

    "When you're not allowed to respawn during a match, twitch reflexes aren't the only skills that keep you alive," the developer added. "Teamwork, map awareness, planning, adaptability, communication, and leadership become just as important to win. To be completely straightforward, the game became a lot more stressful… It went from everyone leaning back in their chairs trash-talking, to being on the edge of their seats carefully coordinating tactics."

    Game designer Chris Lee said that Ubisoft did not think at first that the No Respawn rule would work, adding that he thought it would only appeal to "the most hardcore players."

    However, the opposite turned out to be true. "It turned out that it really opened up the game to many different types of players," he said. "The developers who were longtime FPS players initially found it difficult because they were only good at reaction time. They weren't communicating, playing tactically, or thinking about the consequences. Their K/D ratio was high before, but after introducing One Life, they stopped thinking about K/D ratios and more about how each player could work together for the win."

    2556190 r6s screen rappelbreach e3 140609 4pm 1402348646

    On the other side of the coin, Lee said: "Developers who weren't as good before played slower, thought carefully about the situation, and ended up doing better on the leaderboard. Because One Life rewards this kind of behavior, it puts well-rounded players at an advantage over pure run and gunners, which is what the Tom Clancy's franchise is all about. They utilize a complete skill set and the rest of the development team really liked that, since going back to its roots is what we wanted to do and the rule stuck. It wasn't something we predicted, and we were really happy with how it turned out."

    When you die in Siege, you'll enter what Ubisoft calls Support mode. From here, you can use visibility tools such as drones and security cameras, or even a helicopter, to help keep your team informed about where the enemies are.

    And you don't need to worry about being away from the boots-on-the-ground action for too long, as Ubisoft says Siege matches are "short." So even if you die right at the beginning of a match, you'll be back into the mix in around three mnutes.
    For more on Siege--which will run at 60fps across Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC--check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

    cag clan cheechdogg

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    Iv never played this game before, sounds interesting, when I pick up a X1 I might pick up this game. Iv been thinking of branching out as I mainly play COD and GTA. I have some more time on my hands now with being finished college so yeah should be fun to try something new.

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    I loved all the past Rainbow 6 games my Man ... I loved the last man standing modes and of course anything that didn't have respawns ...

    We used to play 1 hour long games with no respawns between other clans and these games were just intense !!!!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    I loved all the past Rainbow 6 games my Man ... I loved the last man standing modes and of course anything that didn't have respawns ...

    We used to play 1 hour long games with no respawns between other clans and these games were just intense !!!!
    It sounds like a more tactical game, would be a nice change from the constant full on COD where you just run and gun not caring about what's around the corner. I'll have to get a look into it, really looking forward to getting an X1 and getting to know some of the other CAG doggs

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    Here's to a long life and a merry one.
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    A cold pint and another one!

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  9. #5
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    Great just Great I can already see someone yelling at me for dying my sweaty palms don't have time for that lol j/k but I'm open to the challenge and tactics.

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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    This game truly has me pumped and I know everybody is hyped for this game as well as Division. Wondering if anybody has heard specifics on the game modes that will be in-game? Weapons? Just so we can have a starting idea on the medals we can have made.

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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Can't wait to check out his game, it should be fun

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    I would suggest start playing game modes on your current game that doesn't respawn. Old school S and D teams will have the greatest advantage. Just a thought.
    cag soul seeker

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    yes finally a tatical game will soon arrive!!!!

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    This is the first game on my wish list I think I can I think I can I think I can I think I can...
    CAG Stormy SGT ELIAS

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