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Thread: Black Ops 3 Expectations

COD Forums to discuss Black Ops 2, Black Ops, MW3, MW2 and other Call of Duty games

  1. #1
    PestiferousJoe's Avatar
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    Black Ops 3 Expectations

    I'm not sure if any of you know but I never really played, apart from one multiplayer session at my brothers house, BO2. After MW, WAW, MW2, BO, and MW3 I decided to take a break from COD. *Insert I can't believe you missed this COD comment here*

    BUT from everything everyone including clan members, family, friends, and general COD fan boys have said it was one of the best if not the best COD ever. So my point is this Black Ops 3 better be fuckin' amazing or it's going to be a huge F-A-I-L in my book!

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  2. #2
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    i preferred the modern warfares to the black ops series, i dont know why..... though i will admit the black ops guns sound a lot better and their story modes were better too

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  4. #3
    CAG IRISH's Avatar
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    I'm the same I played very little blobs2, most of it was on the PS3, but from what I did play it was one of the better call of dutys.

    I personally didn't pick up advanced warfare until January this year, mainly because of the exo suits I though fuck it I prefaired the good old on the ground cod games, but when I did start playing it I was pleasantly surprised, now the exo suits were a bit over the top, but I would like to see certain aspects return to blobs3

    So my list for blobs 3 would be
    "Exo suits" without the double jump, so just the dodging features
    Much much much more customisation, and maybe a mini market where we can trade, sell our items.
    A more complex zombies mode, bigger maps ect
    A return from supply drops, and maybe more variation of weapons or weapons that can only be achieved through supply drops ?
    And last, would be to get rid of skill based match making in normal game modes and focus on connection, and put skill based match making into a ranked play which actually makes sense ( advanced warfare ranked play sucked balls)
    Umm yeah that's about it, I don't ask for much (lol) but we are the ones who will pay for the game at the end of the day.

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    BO2 was by far the best CoD in my opinion.

    Seemed very balanced, smooth gameplay, hardly encountered any in game glitches or other issues, and te killstreaks felt well worth the effort.

    I played the hell out of that game, wasn't uncommon for me to go 50-60/10 or so.

    For awhile I felt like AW was not too terribly behind BO2, but now with all these glitches and such it's at the bottom of the board.

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  8. #5
    Anim II's Avatar
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    I feel that BO2 was the best with the weapon balancing but I would say if they do have the weapon variants like AW has then ban those from Ranked Playlist because it's really not fair for someone that is just starting and wanting to learn the ranked Playlist when everyone has better guns (asm1 speakeasy, bal27 inferno, etc).

    BO2 was the best with the ranked Playlist by what they did with you had to keep beating higher ranks but it went just one maybe 2 ranks higher, like when I played I would play against most people around my rank then like one or two people in the rank higher than me. For example with AW I should play against bronze or silver level players instead of getting thrown into a game with 3 platinum players. I could care less about what exo movements they have, if they decide to keep exo suits.

    I love the feel of the black ops games because it doesn't seem like there are that many glitches that get used because treyarc is actually pretty good about banning people.

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  9. #6
    Duckonquack711's Avatar
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    i was a huge fan of bo2 so im hoping bo3 appeals to me as much as its predecessor did. what i would really like to see make an appearance again is the mute all button. was such a great feature when you didnt want to mute the 10 year olds 1 by 1

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  11. #7
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    I'd love a return to the ground and pound style of BO2 But it looks like that's not happening so... I'd simply like the guns to be a bit more balanced than they have been in AW, I know that there were certain guns that people preferred on bo2 but overall with a bit of practice all guns were at least competitive(even the bloody chicom was amazing in the right hands).

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  12. #8
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    Sounds like I need to go to GameStop and pick up blops2 and prepaid for 3.......hmmmm. DAMN YOU GAMING ADDICTION!

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  13. #9
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    Prepare** not prepaid lol

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