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Thread: RG ME3RC Marksmen

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  1. #1
    oG Twist 440's Avatar
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    RG ME3RC Marksmen



    OG Twist 440



    OG Twist 440



    OG Twist 440



    Bio Lab/core
    OG Twist 440



    OG Twist 440



    OG Twist 440



    OG Twist 440
    7 out of 10 Core
    Last edited by PestiferousJoe; April 9th, 2015 at 02:56 PM.

    CAG Dogg Level: 24 [?]
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  2. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to oG Twist 440 For This Fucking Post:

    DizzleDaddy (April 10th, 2015),PestiferousJoe (April 9th, 2015)

  3. #2
    PestiferousJoe's Avatar
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    I see two problems Twist. You didn't state who confirmed the games(which I'm assuming it's you) and you placed this post in the wrong forum. I moved it and added your name. You should also state this as an example for the recruit to post like this for the next time.
    Sent from the frozen igloo I call a basement.

    CAG Dogg Level: 46 [?]
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  4. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to PestiferousJoe For This Fucking Post:

    DizzleDaddy (April 10th, 2015),OnixEwok (April 9th, 2015)

  5. #3
    OnixEwok's Avatar
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    Here are a few tips to help you earn your Marksman badge

    1. Listen to your teammates
    This is probably the most important step because this will get you kills. If you hear someone has gone down chances are that enemy is lurking in that teammates area.

    2. Understand your play style
    If your a Run-N-Gun, Hybrid, or Camper make sure the members in your party know this. Accommodations can and will be made so that we may compliment your style in order to help you receive your Marksman Medal.

    3. Make sure you watch the time.
    No one wants to be 14-7 and miss out because they weren't focused on the time. When time is running out make sure you let your teammates know you will be actively searching for that kill and they will point you in the right direction. Your mates can also back off on their kills so that the game won't end before you've completed your Marksman.

    4. Know your set-up
    Make sure no <Kill> streaks are equipped and that this is your most powerful class.

    5. If you fail don't be discouraged
    It's not as easy as it seems but with help you can get it. Full members will help in anyway possible, even holding off on kills. Everyone has a bad game here and there just get back on that horse!

    6. Communication
    If you see an enemy and they slipped passed you call it out. This way we know were the traffic is. If you go down, call it out, that way we can cover and eliminate the threat. Any other info is helpful too enemy position, weapon, etc. Your team members may also give you valuable critique information on your play-style or best class set-ups. We were there once so don't be afraid to ask.

    7. Try something new
    If your struggling then change up you strategy. Try a different spot. Change you class set-up. Play Hardcore instead of Core. I would only recommend doing these if you've tried multiple times with no luck.

    8. Understand if your a Core/Hardcore player
    Let the members know and we can accommodate you by playing those game-types.
    (Remember you need less than half the Core required games to achieve Marksman on Hardcore)

    9. Don't Cheat
    If you violate any of the rules in achieving your Marksman(use of an explosive, killstreak, team-killing, etc.) getting caught trying to count it towards your Marksman will cost you your entrance in CAG. Please don't let it get to that point and eliminate that game on your own.

    10. Have fun
    It might sound stupid but no one likes to play with a douche.

    11. Be active on the forums
    There are a lot of reasons being on the forums is helpful. You could post a time you'll be available to play (This way other members could help you get your Marksman). Posting about your struggles could give you some valuable advice. And if your nearing your two week deadline a post could help you get extra time in getting your Marksman.

    I believe if you follow all these steps you can be well on your way to achieving your Marksman.

    CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
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  6. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to OnixEwok For This Fucking Post:

    DizzleDaddy (April 10th, 2015)

  7. #4
    CAG IRISH's Avatar
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    The recruits forum name is RG M3erc, His XBL name in his application is RG M3RC,and the name on this post is RG ME3RC, Could we get this straightened out please, he should have the one name and should always be identical.
    Here's to a long life and a merry one.
    A pretty girl and an honest one.
    A cold pint and another one!

    CAG Dogg Level: 40 [?]
    Experience: 1,855,166
    Next Level: 2,111,327

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