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Thread: What To Do Now?

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  1. #1
    Ragez Fury93's Avatar
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    What To Do Now?


    I'm on my last leg. As many of you already know, my girlfriend and I broke up a little while ago. It was pretty hard for me, and still is. We ended up talking yesterday and I find out that she is already trying to move and and is trying to have me do the same. She says if we are meant to be, we'll find each other again one day...

    I hate it. The pain I've been through these past couple of weeks is tremendous and more difficult than anything I've gone through in my life. I just feel worthless all over again, and I feel like everything I do always slaps me in the face. I don't feel like trying anymore. I noticed I've already started reverting back to my old self like I was in high school. Quiet, to myself, wearing hoods and shit. Staying away from everyone and anyone..

    I just don't know what to do anymore. I just want to rot away from this hell-hole we call life. I don't know what I've done to ever deserve the shit that is thrown at me in life, but I just can't take it. I'm one step away from being hospitalized. I... I just lost everything..

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  2. #2
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    What To Do Now?

    How old are you? Just out of curiosity.

    I understand where your at and what your going through and I'm sure it's tough. I feel for you but there are ALOT of vaginas out there so if she doesn't want you then move on and find another one. Go out, get bombed, bang some throw aways and find another chick.

    You will live. You will be fine. You will find someone else.

    So what to do now was the question yeah? Get up, dust yourself off and put on smile on your face cause you woke up healthy, able to see, listen, think, walk and run and not everyone can do all those things.

    One thing I learned about life after 29 years... It goes on.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  4. #3
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by Ragez Fury93 View Post

    I'm on my last leg. As many of you already know, my girlfriend and I broke up a little while ago. It was pretty hard for me, and still is. We ended up talking yesterday and I find out that she is already trying to move and and is trying to have me do the same. She says if we are meant to be, we'll find each other again one day...

    I hate it. The pain I've been through these past couple of weeks is tremendous and more difficult than anything I've gone through in my life. I just feel worthless all over again, and I feel like everything I do always slaps me in the face. I don't feel like trying anymore. I noticed I've already started reverting back to my old self like I was in high school. Quiet, to myself, wearing hoods and shit. Staying away from everyone and anyone..

    I just don't know what to do anymore. I just want to rot away from this hell-hole we call life. I don't know what I've done to ever deserve the shit that is thrown at me in life, but I just can't take it. I'm one step away from being hospitalized. I... I just lost everything..
    The most common mistake people make in relationships is not realizing that each Relationship you go through from your very first one until you find that person you're meant to be with is nothing more then a lesson in teaching you how to be the man, the person you're meant to be with expects you to be. This way, when you find that person, you're not making the same mistakes. The best thing for you to do is to take this as exactly that. A lesson.

    It's easy to feel down and hurt over a woman. However, it does you no good to feel down and out about it. The best thing for you to do is to pick yourself back up, get yourself back out there. If she's not willing to make this work then she's not the one. Lesson learned. It may hurt and it wont be the easiest task but the sooner you realize this the better off you will be.

    Life is a giant obstacle course, it's your call whether you go over, around, through or stop at each obstacle. Each route you take defines part of your life and gives you marks of Character. In this case, It's better to go through the obstacle and take it head on. She left you? Whatever, there's a million fish out in the sea. Everything happens for a reason, take the hood off and don't let 1 female decide whether you get Hospitalized or not. There's someone better out there - Now go find her.

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  5. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Beastmode For This Fucking Post:

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  6. #4
    Ragez Fury93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlameItOnGod13 View Post
    How old are you? Just out of curiosity.

    I understand where your at and what your going through and I'm sure it's tough. I feel for you but there are ALOT of vaginas out there so if she doesn't want you then move on and find another one. Go out, get bombed, bang some throw aways and find another chick.

    You will live. You will be fine. You will find someone else.

    So what to do now was the question yeah? Get up, dust yourself off and put on smile on your face cause you woke up healthy, able to see, listen, think, walk and run and not everyone can do all those things.

    One thing I learned about life after 29 years... It goes on.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I'm 21. It's just hard when you were together for 2 happy years and all of a sudden, she breaks up. It's harder when she is the one who helped build you up.

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  7. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Ragez Fury93 For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (April 6th, 2015)

  8. #5
    CAG Archangel's Avatar
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    Yeah man...shit gets tough sometimes and in my 37 years...ive spent some time in the gutter, in the darkest depths of my own misery.

    I can't tell you what my epiphany was...but I got angry and thought I'm better than this. Picked myself up and thought I don't need people in my life that make my life shit. I've never looked back. Life is good now. It took work and determination but I got here by myself and now have a lovely wife and two kids.

    I didn't think I'd ever be here when I was at the bottom of the Remy bottle and licking up the last of my charlie. But I AM here now.

    Pick up...dust choose life. Simple.

    Hope you get your shit worked out bud.

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  9. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG Archangel For This Fucking Post:

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  10. #6
    Anim II's Avatar
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    I completely understand where you are coming from on how you are feeling but as blame said life goes on. I felt like this in 2010 after I was in a on and off relationship with my ex, with her I felt great without her I felt like crap and I reverted back to those ways but I had friends I played pc and Xbox with so that's how I kept from just trying to go away and not talk to anyone.

    I also moved 3.5 hrs away from that old life to start new and now I kinda revert back to the way of not being very fun to be around or not talking to many people but that is because my mom passed away 5 years ago and she was the closest person in my life, so I feel like I get to remember her more if I am like that.

    Now I live my life for my fiance and for my 6 month old daughter who I named after my mom.

    Life is full of ups and downs but it's what you do with those moments that help define who you really are. I moved on to a new life and still go down to visit my family when I can. If you need someone to talk to about things I'll be more than happy to listen.

    Sent from Chi-Raq

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  12. #7
    Sneeky1Shot's Avatar
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    Rage you are young and have a full life ahead of you. The one main thing that I see here is that you believe she made you better. One thing you need to understand is no one can make you better no one can make you more than you are, no one has any ability to change you. Who you are and who you choose to be is totally up to you and can only be done by you. So you said you got better well guess what bro you did it by your own choice.

    Now you need to understand that you don't need her to be well and be happy that you just have to be happy with yourself first then you will find someone else to be happy with.

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  13. #8
    Thrixo's Avatar
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    time to rise up , man up get back up never been and won't be broken!

    hold on to that tought.

    think we all went trough that kind of shit dude, hurts now but you will get over it and there will be many more pussy to come and break youre heart
    ...Life is just a dream on our way to Death...

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  14. #9
    CAG Archangel's Avatar
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    Oh hell yeah...this won't be the last time a girl burns you. Be strong and learn lessons. It will never kill you. Stand tall bro.

    Life can indeed really suck sometimes and there are some people that make it suck more. Steer clear of those fuckers and make your life what you want it to be.

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  15. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG Archangel For This Fucking Post:

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  16. #10
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    Life is one big test to yourself as an individual man!

    Everything that life throws at you is obviously what's meant to be and the path chosen for you to take but its how u deal with it,and carry yourself through it.

    Man iv had my fair share of hard times some of the worst imaginable that I wont go into as its far to painful to speak over but its these times(10 years ago) that changed me to the better person,the more responsible person,the more caring person that I am today and u know what,knowing what I know now about back then I wouldn't change them hard time and u know why - Because I got through it and im proud of that 200%.

    If I can advise u buddy,id say flip the situation to your advantage,think of it as 2 years learning.Your still a young pup,go out enjoy yourself and don't go looking for love as it never works,love wants u it will find u.

    Chin up man!
    CAG JB

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