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Thread: Neverwinter

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  1. #91
    CAG Stud
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    I can completely sympathize with everything that u are saying Beast and I see things from the same angle.(I was actually trying to think of that word "cliques" all night as its exactly what I meant by saying it will create a divide.

    With the guild name I actually lol'd when I see it and took it in good humour nothing else as it simply rolls off the tongue and I would urge anyone else to view it the same way.

    Respectfully I will remain with my level 14/15 character with the guild I currently reside,not to disrespect anyone,not to cause drama but to state my claim that I am not about rolling in a clique or creating a possible divide between any and all members within CAG.

    We are all from the same clan,all the same family,brothas and sistas alike with no one single person better or worse than the other.My views on this have been this way from day 1 and WONT CHANGE.Everone is equal and due respect.
    CAG JB

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  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    Beastmode (April 10th, 2015)

  3. #92
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    i pondered whether or not we could introduce a marksman of sorts to this game involving the dungeons (like destinys raids)

    there is a scoreboard after it is completed stating damage output, damage taken, times fallen etc

    trial and error could of possibly devised something from that..... i spose since it has been ruled neverwinter will never be supported kind of makes all that irrelevant now

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  4. #93
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by SprayAim View Post
    i pondered whether or not we could introduce a marksman of sorts to this game involving the dungeons (like destinys raids)

    there is a scoreboard after it is completed stating damage output, damage taken, times fallen etc

    trial and error could of possibly devised something from that..... i spose since it has been ruled neverwinter will never be supported kind of makes all that irrelevant now
    Not entirely sure it's been completely ruled out. I know Randy said it'd never be supported but he's not saying don't pursue it getting supported .

    Essentially if it was going to be a supported game a lot of extra work would need to be involved. A following would need to happen, Game security, Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert requirements done etc...

    There's a lot that goes into it and I highly doubt that if someone took the time to build up a Guild with a large number of players outside of CAG and found success in the game doing so that it being supported wouldn't actually be considered. Anything that puts CAG out there and brings traffic to these forums and provides diversity would be hard to turn down.

    Essentially, time needs to go by to see the acceptance of an MMORPG to console and for it to establish it's identity and then someone needs to devote the time and effort necessary to make it a easy transition to getting it to be a supported Game.

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  5. #94
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Beastmode View Post
    Not entirely sure it's been completely ruled out. I know Randy said it'd never be supported but he's not saying don't pursue it getting supported .

    Essentially if it was going to be a supported game a lot of extra work would need to be involved. A following would need to happen, Game security, Marksman, Sharpshooter and Expert requirements done etc...

    There's a lot that goes into it and I highly doubt that if someone took the time to build up a Guild with a large number of players outside of CAG and found success in the game doing so that it being supported wouldn't actually be considered. Anything that puts CAG out there and brings traffic to these forums and provides diversity would be hard to turn down.

    Essentially, time needs to go by to see the acceptance of an MMORPG to console and for it to establish it's identity and then someone needs to devote the time and effort necessary to make it a easy transition to getting it to be a supported Game.
    well my train of thought was this... if we could successfully devise some sort of way to get entry level proficiency medals for an mmorpg (notice how i didnt say marksman, sharpshooter or expert) then this information and experience would carry over to future, big releases of the same natur - ESO being a prime example

    ESO is going to be huge and not just with the hardcore mmorpg players

    if we can find a way to make this work then CAG is going to get its name out there in a big way and bring a whole new breed of players in to the mix

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  6. #95
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    been looking at a lot of guilds and clans websites to educate myself on how things are done by those in the know.

    it seems that no other clan in support of mmorpg's have award systems - this tells me 2 things

    1. it would seem that no other clans are doing any kind of award system for this type of game

    2. devising an award system will be tough and probably need a task force of sorts, a think tank of people to come up with a plan of action

    IF we were successful in doing this CAG would be the first to accomplish it, further proving why we are superior

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  7. #96
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Using a PvP based marksman is dumb as fuck for MMOs. I myself don't like PvP and never play it so for instance if I looked at what you need to do to join this clan in Destiny if that was the only supported game I played I would have just went somewhere else. It's a terrible idea and makes zero fuckin sense. your trimming your potential members before you even start recruiting.

    I've been in a PC community that doesn't have awards and medals and requirements you just play with everyone and if your good people after awhile they'll tell you to rock the tags so they can support ANY game that people are playing, it wasn't limited to "well can we create a marksman? Even though people are playing it and diggin it, we can't so no, we can't support it".

    I've been here since Dec 2012. This clan has always been shooters only and it will always be shooters only, sadly.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  8. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

    breaksk81 (April 10th, 2015),CAG JB (April 10th, 2015)

  9. #97
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    i never suggested a pvp marksman...

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  10. #98
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    I honestly don't care where I go. I made this guild because other People where asking and also saying they couldn't get in. And also had a problem with the message and name. I didn't do this because I want to be a dick a ass or anything else. Everything I do I do for CAG and I was trying to help out other people in need.

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  11. #99
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by breaksk81 View Post
    I honestly don't care where I go. I made this guild because other People where asking and also saying they couldn't get in. And also had a problem with the message and name. I didn't do this because I want to be a dick a ass or anything else. Everything I do I do for CAG and I was trying to help out other people in need.

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    If they couldn't get in, I'm jot sure how they saw the guild message? Lol

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  12. #100
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by BlameItOnGod13 View Post
    Using a PvP based marksman is dumb as fuck for MMOs. I myself don't like PvP and never play it so for instance if I looked at what you need to do to join this clan in Destiny if that was the only supported game I played I would have just went somewhere else. It's a terrible idea and makes zero fuckin sense. your trimming your potential members before you even start recruiting.

    I've been in a PC community that doesn't have awards and medals and requirements you just play with everyone and if your good people after awhile they'll tell you to rock the tags so they can support ANY game that people are playing, it wasn't limited to "well can we create a marksman? Even though people are playing it and diggin it, we can't so no, we can't support it".

    I've been here since Dec 2012. This clan has always been shooters only and it will always be shooters only, sadly.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Not sure that's entirely true. I've been given the green light by Cheech to get Smite setup as a potential supported game and that's not an FPS it's a MOBA.

    CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
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