I can completely sympathize with everything that u are saying Beast and I see things from the same angle.(I was actually trying to think of that word "cliques" all night as its exactly what I meant by saying it will create a divide.
With the guild name I actually lol'd when I see it and took it in good humour nothing else as it simply rolls off the tongue and I would urge anyone else to view it the same way.
Respectfully I will remain with my level 14/15 character with the guild I currently reside,not to disrespect anyone,not to cause drama but to state my claim that I am not about rolling in a clique or creating a possible divide between any and all members within CAG.
We are all from the same clan,all the same family,brothas and sistas alike with no one single person better or worse than the other.My views on this have been this way from day 1 and WONT CHANGE.Everone is equal and due respect.