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I do not own the one I recently sold it and went back to the 360, and i know the requirments to gain rank and recognition in CAG i was in this Organization back when BO1 First Came out i used to go by the Gamertag xShmackedx hopefully their is still an 360 division i can connect with and Achieve the marksman medal. Also i sold AW last week i dont like the futuristic flow of it, but i do have The past cod's all of them at that.
EXEprog527 (April 2nd, 2015)
We still have a 360 division for CoD we can help you get your award and such in order on any of the CoD games, but to make you aware we are most active on AW espescially during clan wars, welcome aboard, add me OnixEwok on xbl.
EXEprog527 (April 2nd, 2015)
Hiya and welcome back to the CAG forums! I have all of the CoDs on the 360 so feel free to add me gamertag: CAG EXEprog527. I'm on almost every night and hope to play with you soon if you do!
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