Ok . So this is My Request for a hardLine Hacker Medal Request For Us All . But in Sense For the Old Guy Named Gypsy 😂
Gypsy has Really inspired me to Seek out this Medal Request for Him . He has been a Real fucken Hacker in the Game and Believe it or Not it Really Helps out .
So Below are the requirements And A Pic of what the Actual Medal looks like in Game . I think The Pic will be Perfect All Gold with a Black G On the Hat .
Ok So requirements are .
You Must Have 1,500,500 in Hacker Score And Post a Pic or the Link From your Battle log to show you Have gotten it .
Medal Points I fell Should Be 50,000
Since it does require alot of time and a lot of Helping out the team to Get the 1,500,000 score .
Medal Name will Be left for Gypsy to Name 👍
Below is the attachment of the in game Hacker Pic .
If Anyone else fells I missed something . Fell free to give some input 👍
CAG Dogg Level: 57 [?]
Experience: 32,363,714
Next Level: 35,467,816
I would def say 3 teirs almost like a easy,medium and hard difficulty like the way a campaign would.
Iv been waiting for whiskey guys to get the ball rolling with this and it hasn't happened,they where asking for awards but never took the bull by the horns and threw up with what u have patron.
Trust it to the veteran members to do so.I like what you've posted in regard's to the hacker awards I really do.
CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
Experience: 52,130,047
Next Level: 55,714,302
What's the sayin we can lead a horse to water but cant make it drink.
Id love nothing more than to see awards specific for both games as its what keeps members interested on the forums.
With hardline we got fresh new ideas with awards and with battlefield we still got potential awards for things like classes ie support/recon specific awards and many more.awards go as far as your rational imagination can take it.
Il also happily help work on battlefield 4 award details and requirements if needs be,just may be a while with work etc and brainstorming them.
Last edited by CAG JB; April 1st, 2015 at 05:57 PM.
CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
Experience: 52,130,047
Next Level: 55,714,302