I think we just need to regroup and cover bases again. Can we discuss times here? I was thinking still Sunday, but I'm open for any day and time.
Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here
Guys if you wanna make this all work round the majority of u guys due to my timezone that's fine by me,
just try to Include blame on this(which should be a lot easier than trying to accommodate my timezone).he shares a lot of similar views I have on things and I know that before even saying it.
I can get the low down on Monday then when hes off work and has the time.
BlameItOnGod13 (March 31st, 2015)
P33Tza (April 1st, 2015)
This is a poor weekend for me. I could only make this if its late on Sunday. Most weekends I'm open a majority of the time though.
"I once had to beat a man to death with his own shoes..."
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