Ok so earlier this week there was a bombardment of questions thrown my way about Canada....
Yes alot of us say "eh" often, i pronouce it "zed" not "zee". No our prime minister doesnt have a maple syrup reserve. Yes we do have an Army, actually our Army, Navy and Air Force are all one entity...
And what seemed to be the most burning question of the night was about how us Canucks consume our Heffer juice.... thats right how we get and drink our milk. So as promised here is a set of pictures to help our younger less experienced yanks understand what apparently they cannot fathom....lol
Yes unlike your gallon jugs, ours comes in a 4L bag.....which is pretty much the same amount of milk.
Yes inside the bag are 3 more smaller bags... called quarts
We have special plastic containers to hold the quarts, and we cut the top corner to pour our milk out.
And in some households like mine we use a plastic clip to keep the milk fresher whilst it's in the fridge.
So i hope this clears it all up...lol