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Thread: Canadian Stereotypes

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  1. #1
    OnixEwok's Avatar
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    Canadian Stereotypes

    Ok so earlier this week there was a bombardment of questions thrown my way about Canada....

    Yes alot of us say "eh" often, i pronouce it "zed" not "zee". No our prime minister doesnt have a maple syrup reserve. Yes we do have an Army, actually our Army, Navy and Air Force are all one entity...

    And what seemed to be the most burning question of the night was about how us Canucks consume our Heffer juice.... thats right how we get and drink our milk. So as promised here is a set of pictures to help our younger less experienced yanks understand what apparently they cannot

    Yes unlike your gallon jugs, ours comes in a 4L bag.....which is pretty much the same amount of milk.


    Yes inside the bag are 3 more smaller bags... called quarts


    We have special plastic containers to hold the quarts, and we cut the top corner to pour our milk out.


    And in some households like mine we use a plastic clip to keep the milk fresher whilst it's in the fridge.

    So i hope this clears it all

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    shut your fucking face  uncle fuckeeeeer by isamadworld52 d7tzhad

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    CAG IRISH's Avatar
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    I have a cow that we milk when we want some milk and also have chickens for our eggs

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Here's to a long life and a merry one.
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    A cold pint and another one!

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  7. #4
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    Milk in a bag? that sounds like a chick who has some big ass "Mammary Glands" with lots of milk in them lol ... bahahah !!! milk in a bag ...holy shit !!!!
    cag clan cheechdogg

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  9. #5
    Ragez Fury93's Avatar
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    I still cannot fathom bagged milk... My ex used to have them in like elementary school here, though, and apparently she had a love-hate relationship with them. Hahah.

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  10. #6
    OnixEwok's Avatar
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    I have never had anything else om a regular basis throughout my life so i am used to it and never have any issues with it.

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  11. #7
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    I think the point the other night though was that since the bags are all plastic and you use a plastic cup to keep it standing up to pour from why not just use a plastic jug to begin with. Makes it easier to pour and all to begin with. But at least you do have the other versions as well (carton/jug). Never saw it before.

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  13. #8
    OnixEwok's Avatar
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    Well i believe it comes down to reducing waste and increasing quantity that can be shipped at once.

    To create one of the jugs you guys have... in order for it to be safe to hold a product for human consumption you need to have a certain amount of new plastic mixed tithe recycled stuff to make the jugs. Our bags use less plastic to make so they create less waste.

    In one of our 2x2 milk crates 4 of these bags as they are flexible. This increases how many can be shipped at once.

    Another advantage since i have had this happen to me before is if by chance a puncture occurs in the side of the jug, however unlikley, like i said it has happened to be before. I lost and entire gallon whilst walking my groceries home, if i would of had a 4L bag that puncture would have only cost me 1/3 of my milk.

    Neways out of the different form factors i prefer the bag system, guess i am just too Canadian for my own good.

    Any other stereotypes you guys want cleared

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  15. #9
    KinglyCheese's Avatar
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    So lemme get this right.. This is news to me. I had no idea Americans didn't use bags of milk. I am actually stunned to my lack of knowledge. Bagged milk has been in my house as long as I can remember.. We have jugs as well but they were never the usual. Cartons, yes.
    No hate toward a jug of milk, but drinking from it seems like much more of a headache, no?
    As for being Canadian, Onix cleared up some of our stereotypes.. But left out our pet polar bears and our family protectors.. The Moose. Through day, night, cold and warm.. They serve to protect our stunningly chiseled igloos.

    Sent from the Great White Northern Ontario
    Pain is momentary, but glory shall never fade.

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  16. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to KinglyCheese For This Fucking Post:

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  17. #10
    OnixEwok's Avatar
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    Can you beleive we can actually get WiFi in our

    And dont forget our honking litttle geese friends, you know the ones we cant touch cuz they're protected... even though they shit all over our waterfronts and bite our children when they try to feed them, yet when they fly south every year some americans i hear actually hunt them.

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