I am posting this in the community threads so the registered users can see
so I am coming up on my 2 year mask being in CAG in about 3 and half months
Before joining CAG I had only been in 1 other large clan and a few small ones
I mostly just gamed with friends but they grew away from the COD and BF style of games that I loved to play ( even thou I bitch about em all the time )
so about mid way thru Black Ops 2 I started looking for a clan to join and low and behold I stumbled on the Top 100 ( BOOOOOOO ) and seen CAG at the #1 spot
I didnt know what all that meant at the time and wasnt sure I would fit in but I figured hell lets give it a try
from day one I was made to feel welcome and like I was one of the family
I had never really been a Hardcore game mode player but that was the first people from the clan I talked to and gamed with
they took me under their wings and showed me the fine art of HC playing and I was hooked
then I finally meet the illustrious CAG Cheechdogg and got to game with him and learned his fine art of Charlie Delta play style ( Hardcore Camping LOL ) and I was hooked
to make a long story short it has been a great almost 2 years here in CAG ( there have been a few bumps along the way but thats with any thing you do )
I have meet alot of awesome people from many different backgrounds with very different personalities but that is what is so much fun about our community
I have seen alot of people come and go and then come back for a few and definitely made some really good friends
so in short I have had an awesome time with CAG the last almost 2 years and hope to continue on for many more years to come ( got to stay to aggravate the hell out of Cheech )
I want to thank all of you guys and gals for being here with us and keep these shit games we play fun so I can keep blowing money on em
and a big thanks to Cheech for hosting CAG and staying with it all these years to give us all a place to call home in the gaming world
CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
Experience: 21,787,317
Next Level: 22,308,442