I am posting this in the community threads so the registered users can see
so I am coming up on my 2 year mask being in CAG in about 3 and half months
Before joining CAG I had only been in 1 other large clan and a few small ones
I mostly just gamed with friends but they grew away from the COD and BF style of games that I loved to play ( even thou I bitch about em all the time )
so about mid way thru Black Ops 2 I started looking for a clan to join and low and behold I stumbled on the Top 100 ( BOOOOOOO ) and seen CAG at the #1 spot
I didnt know what all that meant at the time and wasnt sure I would fit in but I figured hell lets give it a try
from day one I was made to feel welcome and like I was one of the family
I had never really been a Hardcore game mode player but that was the first people from the clan I talked to and gamed with
they took me under their wings and showed me the fine art of HC playing and I was hooked
then I finally meet the illustrious CAG Cheechdogg and got to game with him and learned his fine art of Charlie Delta play style ( Hardcore Camping LOL ) and I was hooked
to make a long story short it has been a great almost 2 years here in CAG ( there have been a few bumps along the way but thats with any thing you do )
I have meet alot of awesome people from many different backgrounds with very different personalities but that is what is so much fun about our community
I have seen alot of people come and go and then come back for a few and definitely made some really good friends
so in short I have had an awesome time with CAG the last almost 2 years and hope to continue on for many more years to come ( got to stay to aggravate the hell out of Cheech )
I want to thank all of you guys and gals for being here with us and keep these shit games we play fun so I can keep blowing money on em
and a big thanks to Cheech for hosting CAG and staying with it all these years to give us all a place to call home in the gaming world
CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
Experience: 21,779,883
Next Level: 22,308,442
Very inspirational. I hope to see you here always, for I too will be staying here a long time. This is a great clan that feels just like a family. I love it. Congratulations, mate!
CAG Dogg Level: 30 [?]
Experience: 295,812
Next Level: 300,073
Dude I remember when you first came to the clan .... At first I didn't know what to think about you overall ...but as time went by and you bought into the (Charlie Delta) ways you quickly put a smile on my face ... gaming with you on BLOPS2 and Ghosts has always been fun ... I know you have my back and can depend on almost never dying from behind with you ...
Two years is a long time for anything and more so in a clan ... You have held just about every rank and billet in this clan and worked your ass of to be where you are at now and "I" am beyond grateful and appreciate you holding this clan together when Toxic and I are not around ...
You are the best thing to come from top100 ... I feel you on that BOOOO about it and I think this will be our last month on top100 ...too much fucking drama ..
Anyways ..once again Gypsy thank you Bro you have been one hell of a pillar for CAG and I feel more than comfortable knowing that CAG is in good with you ... THANK YOU !!!!
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 290,005,081
Next Level: 305,690,101
congratz on the (almost) 2 year service , may there be many more years to come!
appreciate the thanks towards everyone aswell , but if you feel like u wanna stop blowing youre money on games i can always give u my bank account number so u can deposit the money directly to me
CAG Dogg Level: 32 [?]
Experience: 450,713
Next Level: 453,790
I know I haven't had much of the pleasure to game with ya except back on them 360 days on B ops2 but I will say this,your a pretty chill,laid back guy and the ops 2 days stand out to me because of how much I enjoyed playing alongside you in lobbies when no whiskey members where around to play.
I have a lot of respect for you and I'll tell you why. 1 Reason - your a level headed guy that has the best interests of his fellow members and CAG at heart.
I know people say this so easily and it comes like it rolls of the tongue but with me its sincere,
I'm glad to know you,im glad to share the same forums as you and im happy that we share the same values and outlook in relation to CAG.
Here's to your 2 year with CAGclan.com coming your way soon!
CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
Experience: 52,360,533
Next Level: 55,714,302
Congrats Gypsy . As its been said . Two years is a very long time to be in a clan .
I always have fun gaming it up with you . You've been the cool laid back guy you always have been since you first Joined .
We have Made so many lobbies Rage quit and Forfit games because they could Not penatrate that solid Wall we had set up lol
And you with your Thermal Scope on your Sniper Riffle was always a deadly combo .
🍻 Here's to many more Gaming years to come .
Love Having you around. You a Big Role Model in my Eyes 👍
CAG Dogg Level: 57 [?]
Experience: 32,502,293
Next Level: 35,467,816
Congratulations Gypsy! It has been such a pleasure gaming with you and especially at the end of Ghosts!(please consider that I can barely remember BO2/MW3 times [concussions]) I am so grateful that I have met you and cheers to many more years to come! Like some of the other members here, I look up to you as a role model and also a father figure. I have been through some very rough patches these past couple of years and I know I could always go to you for help! Keep on killing! <3
CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
Experience: 11,591,223
Next Level: 11,777,899