Whos ready to see how they fuck this one up?
CoD Regiment Commander
Discussion for the Predators of the Marine Corps. SOC (Special Operations Command).
Whos ready to see how they fuck this one up?
CoD Regiment Commander
xPARCHx (March 28th, 2015)
NuT jOb (March 27th, 2015)
HA they can't even get a standard clan wars right so this is going to be a mess I'm sure.
NuT jOb (March 27th, 2015)
ill be ready to enter in to a fucked up battle royal - cant be any worse than regular wars
NuT jOb (March 27th, 2015)
You know I am ready, as screwed as it will most likely be, I think we need to really narrow down the roster for those more then definitely playing.
With this being announced I want to see who currently will be available for this. The current clan wars poc from last weekends clan wars I need your teams availability by wed next week. On Friday next week since point of contacts have changed there will be a redraft. The time will be determined later this weekend. I know it's kinda far out but getting the word out now should help with the people showing up.
Who are the new POCs?
xPARCHx (March 27th, 2015)
...Life is just a dream on our way to Death...
Let's have it
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