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Thread: Power Pack Red Light (360)

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  1. #1
    rocky110901's Avatar
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    Power Pack Red Light (360)

    So after losing connection about 10 times I looked around my xbox for loose cables and noticed the light on the power pack was solid red, xbox support site says time to replace it. Any one had this and what's the advice or a new one now or wait till she goes bang?

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  2. #2
    CAG IRISH's Avatar
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    Personally I'd wait till i have hit acid running over my hands

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  4. #3
    CAG Stud
    EXEprog527's Avatar
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    Xbox Support suggests a few steps to try when the light on your power supply turns red. Try the steps in order, and try to turn on your console in between steps:

    Step 1: Your cables could be loose/not properly plugged in - With the console turned off, unplug the device from the wall. Then unplug everything from the console. Remove all the AV/HDMI cables, remove the power supply brick (and also, unplug the cable from your power supply if it has removable). Basically, if it unplugs... unplug it. Now, quickly look over all the connections and make sure there isn't any obvious damage. Then plug the cables back in, being sure that they are securely plugged in and aren't loose.

    Step 2: Try a different room - The problem may be the outlet you're plugging the console into. Make sure there is no disc in the console, and take the console into another room to try a different outlet.

    Step 3: Cool down your power supply - If your power supply brick seems hot, then leave the power supply unplugged from both the console and the wall outlet for a while to allow it time to cool down (approx. 30 minutes). Be sure that the power supply is in a well ventilated area, and that the ventilation holes are not covered. After the brick has cooled down, plug it back into the console and then into the wall outlet.

    Step 4: Replace the power supply

    Looks like there was a good amount of vids on youtube too with fixes too but I didnt really look into them.

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  6. #4
    rocky110901's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Thanks exe, never thought of youtube

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  7. #5
    CAG Stud
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    Yeah I just hope they aren't like just vids saying to remove the led as a fix. xP

    CAG Dogg Level: 40 [?]
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  8. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to EXEprog527 For This Fucking Post:

    OnixEwok (March 26th, 2015)

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