Right guys and girls, the COD championships are falling upon us and what that means is trailers for COD 2015, YES once COD champs 2015 is over we will find out what the new COD will hold for us.

Now this raises a lot of questions, mainly the one that stands out the most for me is "will we have exo suits"

Personally I think it will be extremely difficult to adapt to the slow passed game without the crazy exo abilities which allows us to get from one side of the map to the other in 3 seconds lol

Another big factor will be the variants of guns, will we have our elite weapons, will we be paying for the supply drops from day1, that is if there even will be supply drops, or will we go back to a more traditional, straight forward COD.

It would be nice to hear what all you guys and girls think will be in the pipeline and also what you would LIKE to see.

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