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Thread: Favorite COD Map.

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  1. #1
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    Favorite COD Map.

    Hey guys, whats your favorite call of duty map(DLC included)? Now I'm not talking layout-wise or maps you always do good in... I'm talking about theming of the map itself or maps that you like how they look..

    For me one that always comes to mind as a nice looking map is Carnival from MW2 (which I randomly thought of last night which prompted me to make this thread) and Liberation from MW3.. Theres even alot of DLC maps from ghosts that I like how they look..

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  2. #2
    Duckonquack711's Avatar
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    for me it is and has always been either shipment or wet work from cod4. those are the maps that i always had the most fun on

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    CAG IRISH's Avatar
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    I'd probibly put it down as terminal in mw2, I did enjoy that map, wasn't the highest scoring map but it was so fun

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    Being as my first COD was Black ops 2 I'd have to go with either magma or hijacked, the former because it's a really nice lookingn map and the latter because it offers good cqc opportunities and nice angles to snipe in without being too hectic, unlike nuketown

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    This is a tough question because I liked so many maps on each game. I would have to say that on CoD4 it would be showdown and crash because I can play a lot of different styles on each map. WaW would have to be Courtyard and roundhouse or dome. MW2 maps I thought were great overall but my favorite ones were scrapyard, skidrow, and terminal. In Black ops maps that I had a fun time on were havana, summit and radiation. In MW3 I played a lot of competitive so I like most of those maps which were seatown, arkaden, carbon, lockdown, and hardhat. In Black Ops 2 I liked standoff, and slums along with hijacked. I liked sovereign, warhawk, and strikezone on ghosts. I like a few maps off of AW like recovery, solar, comeback (any game mode besides uplink), and detroit.

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    Even though lots of other players though it was too big but Fuel from MW2 was awesome for me. Second would have to be Overgrown from COD4.

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  12. #7
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    Its weird cuz i typically kike the maps most dont... for instance i actually like drone from blops2 and turbine from blops2, i havent yet played all the maps in AW (stil l need to get my ears wet in the atlas gorge) so i cant compare those yet.

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    we shall do atlas gorge.

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    I need another sharpshooter first though

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  16. #10
    MPSKINN's Avatar
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    I haven't really loved a map for the concept of it since the first two MW games, with Bloc off COD4 and Wasteland off MW2. I always thought they were lovely sort of pieces of artwork unto themselves, regardless of playability or layout or anything else (putting aside Wasteland's old phenomenon of everyone-crowding-the-middle-tunnels til it was fish in a barrel with some frags and flashbangs peppered in for seasoning).

    Bloc always seemed way too big, too vacant, especially on slower sniper or big-camping games. Something about climbing through different floors in those buildings and trying to keep an eye out on the other building, wandering through the main square with those big-ass dark gray buildings all around and you can't hear so much as a gunshot in the distance... It was pretty damn cool.

    Then with Wasteland, I dunno. The graveyards, the burnt out trees and grass, everything feeling totally and utterly dead (plus, "hey, look, a graveyard!! if you didn't already get that, here's a big fat personification for ya kiddo!!" thx design), the tiny little radioactive signs (which always bugged me, why do people make the warning signs for mine fields and high radioactivity these teensy weensy dingy looking things, but that's beside the point), and the houses on the edges of the map...

    I dunno, I just always was impressed by the fact that you could go into a full FFA match which is just... Blatant chaos in online gaming form, and even then you could find moments on these two maps where you felt like you were the last man on earth (until a ghillie suit sniper ran up behind you and knifed you). Just how creepy and weirdly claustrophobic the open spaces on that map felt, made my hair stand on end sometimes. One of the reasons those two games are still top of the series in my mind.

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