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Thread: is Hardline "worth" It?

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  1. #1
    TheEksonOne13's Avatar
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    is Hardline "worth" It?

    Ok so I have seen so many reviews of HARDLINE that I have reached the point were I can't decide. The launch trailer makes me wan to play HARDLINE but I am still not sure.... So I would like to inquire from my fellow Clan members what they think of the game... I would really appreciate it because I actually would like to try this game!

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  2. #2
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    I played the beta, not a fan. The thing that bothers me more than the absence of vehicle combat is this should be a DLC for BF4. I couldn't justify paying 64 bucks for that. Maybe someday if it drops in price but even then, I play BF4 for the OPTION to play vehicles OR infantry... Not specifically one or the other.

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  3. #3
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    Consider this not as a battlefield title, because only the name is what makes this a battlefield game. The company that made it also made Dead Space. It is an old EA subsidiary.

    But with that in mind it still doesn't feel right as a shooter to me. It's good they are trying something new, I just don't like it.

    The weapons feel less powerful. I haven't played any COD since mw2 so I'm not sure if they are or are not the same feeding.

    But if tanks and vehicle warfare is your thing then stick with bf4 for now.

    Note: I only played a few hours, with EA access and the forums have some info on that, as well as the beta. Maybe after a few patches I'll try again.

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    RainyDaiz's Avatar
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    This game pisses me off so bad I have to stop playing it after a few games or I'm angry for a while. Just too much BS, very off the wall gametypes, if your team doesn't work together (and we all know blueberries) it is EXTREMELY difficult majority of the time.

    Lag spikes are bad, getting killed in cover is very often, and swapping kills even more so.

    The campaign was fun, funny, had some intense stealth based moments, and some intense action. I like how it gives more free reign to take your own path rather than follow a straight rail. Went total mark whallyberger "Shooter" at the end, so fun!
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    Nesty's Avatar
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    It's a great game. More infantry based. Still scout and transport choppers, and LAVs. Feels faster than BF4.

    New game modes are a breath of fresh air after playing the same modes since 2011 BF3.

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  8. #6
    xPARCHx's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Worth buying definetly, the game is fast paced and the campaign is amazing. Just go pick it up at Redbox and at least give it a try.

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  10. #7
    KinglyCheese's Avatar
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    I was reading through the thread because I have been asking myself and some of the others the same question.. Responses vary from one extreme to the next!
    I would love to buy the game for the campaign but would really rather wait for a price drop if I can't guarantee myself a decent online experience.

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  11. #8
    DrDjSprinklez's Avatar
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    i guess i should say something atleast since i have the game. well, its good. not to mention its got new mechanics. really all in all its down to what you want and everyone else's opinions doesn't really matter, its your money, not theirs lol. To be quite honest, the lack of weapons kinda sucks but apparently they're supposed to fix that or something. I really like the fast paced environment and the way you earn money, its pretty cool not having to wait til level 100 for a pistol lol. Other than that i'd say it's a pretty solid game, not worth the $64 BUT still pretty good. Just remember, when someone starts complaining about BFH, just think back to when BF4 was released. People did the same thing. They can't please everybody so just do what you feel like.

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  12. #9
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Wilkes Burrr

    Quote Originally Posted by KinglyCheese View Post
    I was reading through the thread because I have been asking myself and some of the others the same question.. Responses vary from one extreme to the next!
    I would love to buy the game for the campaign but would really rather wait for a price drop if I can't guarantee myself a decent online experience.

    Sent from the Great White Northern Ontario
    I was able to reactivate gamefly for a dollar so I took that opportunity to try it that way but again, I wouldn't pay 64 bucks for this. If you can rent it for cheap then sure why not but outright purchasing it is bad news bears.

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  13. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

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  14. #10
    HG867's Avatar
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    I don't know how I feel about this game. I was super excited but the lack of weapons, the extremely easy and just horrible punch line campaign, the broken spawns in Tdm, the driving in circles for hot wire just leaves me scratching my head. This game feels like a big update or two behind bf4 the kill trading is fucking ridiculous. I have played the game for a week and I feel like I have played everything that this game has to offer. The lack of guns is a serious problem? Why are there so few guns? And some of the guns are just down right unplayable because they are so bad compared to the meta guns. Crosshair is garbage to me... And rescue is the only decent game mode out of the two competitive modes. But yet they didn't make any map specific designs???? They just took the same maps and squared them off to be a smaller map to cater for this game mode. You need separate map designs for game modes like these.
    The only mode I really like is blood money and that's because you have lots of different play styles. You can be an attacker or defender or hang in the middle of the map. This game is still fun to play with friends but with out you guys I think I wouldn't play it as much. I think the map design is good for a lot of the maps and some maps are much better for a specific game mode. This game lacks meet on it's bones kind of like titanfall... And the meat that is there and so identical to bf4.. Battle packs, attachments, battlelog, the assignment screen, the unlock screen, the patches too. it's just re skinned with very few new features. The lack of destruction is completely unacceptable by me as well. Why the fuck would you run a game on the frost bite engine and not take advantage of the destruction feature... I can't blow up a side of a wall or building or anything. I'm serious plants vs zombies has more destruction capabilities (it was made off the frostbite engine lol) they should have just used a different engine with a better netcode and shooter mechanic then. I want to love this game but all of this is just so hard not to piss me off. Think about if for a second.. They charged you the same price as bf4 ... Now with that in mind do you feel you have the same amount of content, innovation, ? I mean sure the game modes are new but I feel like it is lacking everywhere else.

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  15. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to HG867 For This Fucking Post:

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