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Thread: Chevy. Ford. Dodge..

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  1. #11
    VoguishApple8743's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Lebowski View Post
    I drive rental trucks. I have for the last 15-20 years. Not half ass highway driving either. Full on 4X4 on back roads with 150 to 300 gallons of water on them. On guards cut through forest by cats. We drove em like we stole them. All makes and models have their merit and uses. There are no bad companies, but there may be the odd poor design year, or more often singular lemons in ALL companies. I always have to shake my head at the guys that bag on a brand. They make me think of a skinny white kid missing a front tooth, wearing a straw hat and overalls, that has no real understanding of the real world outside of their trailer park. (No offence to anyone if this describes them lol). Lighthearted ribbing, like "the Dolphins suck", is one thing. Not buying a brand because its not 'your' brand is childish and shortsighted. Imo.

    The reality is that ALL of these vehicles are designed to have parts that fail eventually. These companies have to. This is how they make their money. Companies that make ANYTHING that lasts will lose money and go out of business. Why would you buy another truck if the first one has never broken down?

    I owned a Toyota tercel, amazing little piece of engineering, never seen a car handle blizzards so well. Burned more oil than gas. I owned a used ford ranger. Beat up and took a beating. Sold it when I moved to the city. Owned a Pontiac sunfire, piece of shit, ok in have city but loose on the highway. A 5 ton crane backed over it. Had a 95 volkswagen golf, awesome car, wife drove it with no oil in it all day and it was fine. (Not low oil, none, it all drained out). Recently owned a 95 Nissan maxima, awesome car. Also just sold a 95 honda civic hatchback manual, lots of yum but cold as fuck here. Replaced it last fall with a honda accord coupe. Great car.

    wife just bought a dodge ram 1500 and its a great truck. I am currently shopping for a vehicle. No brand loyalty here. I want a good engine, decent design, lots of features, and a fun drive. Looking at a golf gti, civic si, and a handful of crossovers/SUVs to handle the winter here.
    I have nothing against other companies bc i have driven everything. . It's jus all fun and games between my friends lol.. but there are some vehicles I will never buy lol

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  2. #12
    CCx Killa Days's Avatar
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    My family is Chevy and Dodge. I have a Dodge Dakota 2001 that I love a lot and am really proud of but it's my first truck so of course I love it, even with the numerous faults and hours in the shop lol -- I have a new transmission, starter, I've changed the oil, starter, air filter by myself - my dad had to help me with the transmission though haha. And the left window doesn't roll down and it pulls to the right but ah what can you do. It gets me from point a to point b and thats all I need.

    My dad has a Dodge Dually Longhorn - its a beast, I learned how to drive in that thing.

    And my aunt is the odd one out with a Ford f-150, but having driven all of my family's vehicles, I have to say I like hers the best because it is the smoothest :P

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  3. #13
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    I gotta say its pretty tough to find something that meets all your needs and wants. I am the one who wanted a truck...then the wife bought one. We dont need two trucks. Cant justify a compact sporty car but want the fun of torque and manual transmission. I have really been shopping for a good year now.

    If I was further south it would be easy. But our local roads go through a lot of freeze thaw cycles and get petty roughed up. The odd two/three foot snowfall is also a factor.

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  4. #14
    KinglyCheese's Avatar
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    Every vehicle has its ups and downs.. Never been a hater of any specific manufacturer. With a shit health record from a few years back, I've been restricted from my license so I currently don't have a vehicle. My first vehicle was a 1996 Nissan Maxima.. That was a gem. Ran her into the ground and later started borrowing my father's 2004 Jeep Rubicon. Without needing to be said, I went head over heels for that.. I had that as a daily while he was selling for Dodge Jeep and Chrysler driving demos until late 2008, I had an awful episode sending me to the ER and hospitalizing me for 2 nights. They suspended my license, he took his keys back and recently bought a '14 Jeep Sahara. Occasionally I get to drive that thing around for errands and still in love with the vehicle. The thing has never seen mud deeper than the treads.

    Sent from the Great White Northern Ontario
    Pain is momentary, but glory shall never fade.

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  5. #15
    TakinUrLife89's Avatar
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    I have a chevy tahoe z71 I love it first trick I personally owned now I've driven a dodge ram and also a Ford f 150 and I will say I prefer a chevy or dodge least out of wat I have driven I can feel the power in the chevy an dodge more than I do in the f 150 an I like that a lot

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  6. #16
    MoB Corleone352's Avatar
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    I used to have a Ford F150 but gas prices were killing my bank. So I got a car. But needless to say I miss the fuck out of my truck.

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  7. #17
    VoguishApple8743's Avatar
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    I can understand the gas prices lol.. I have the 5.3 v8 and I cut my muffler off and man does she sound good but eats threw gas lol. Here in a month or so I'll also have a dodge durango

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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by KinglyCheese View Post
    Every vehicle has its ups and downs.. Never been a hater of any specific manufacturer. With a shit health record from a few years back, I've been restricted from my license so I currently don't have a vehicle. My first vehicle was a 1996 Nissan Maxima.. That was a gem. Ran her into the ground and later started borrowing my father's 2004 Jeep Rubicon. Without needing to be said, I went head over heels for that.. I had that as a daily while he was selling for Dodge Jeep and Chrysler driving demos until late 2008, I had an awful episode sending me to the ER and hospitalizing me for 2 nights. They suspended my license, he took his keys back and recently bought a '14 Jeep Sahara. Occasionally I get to drive that thing around for errands and still in love with the vehicle. The thing has never seen mud deeper than the treads.

    Sent from the Great White Northern Ontario
    Fuckin loved my maxima. Looking seriously at a jeep wrangler

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  9. #19
    VoguishApple8743's Avatar
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    The Jeep Rubicons are really nice

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  10. #20
    RE4PER's Avatar
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    If it ain't German or European I do not want it or own it. Been looking at a BMW i8 saw one last week and feel in love went this last weekend looking for one trying to decide on a color. I'm thinking black. Dealer said they could have it in a couple of days no matter what color I pick. Want to be cruising by the weekend.

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