Discuss the Advance Warfare Regiment of CAG's Call Of Duty Brigade here
EXEprog527 (March 12th, 2015)
A hidden mode. I think it's kinda cool. Sent from the frozen igloo I call a basement.
To add on, I can no longer use my AE4 because it switches to the Ohm.
Originally Posted by Ragez Fury93 To add on, I can no longer use my AE4 because it switches to the Ohm. I'm pretty sure the glitch is only with the variant version. You may be okay using the base AE4.
His testing is done on X1. The 360 is super glitched and dosent work right
Ragez Fury93 (March 12th, 2015)
Lol o shit people are gonna hate me now when I run this set up 🔫🔫
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