I can confirm that last game. I ducked out shortly before it ended so I'm not on the list, but we were in party chat and played most of the game together.
Post your information for your Battlefield Marksman.
Hey nevermind i found the post count and i've got about 24 so far so one more full post and ill be good to go. is there anything else i have to do to complete my marksman training?
CAG JB (March 24th, 2015)
Alright sounds good, looks like have to be social lol
CAG JB (March 25th, 2015)
Well i made it! i finally got my 25th post!
You marksman,Dogg ribbon and rifleman billet have been recommended buddy.
Please remain as active on site as possible and I hope you continue to have a lot of fun within CAG.
DrDjSprinklez (March 25th, 2015)
Your Officially Processed ! Welcome to CAG
CAG JB (March 25th, 2015),DrDjSprinklez (March 25th, 2015)
Thanks alot guys! I'm glad to be a part of something awesome!
"Welcome to Costco, I Love You"
CAG JB (March 26th, 2015)
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