Discuss the Advance Warfare Regiment of CAG's Call Of Duty Brigade here
Randuken (March 10th, 2015)
CAG TheKid (March 11th, 2015),HEADHUNTER1030 (March 11th, 2015)
I know this is getting a lot of hate but they're PROS and if they are that good then they will adapt.
Sent from the frozen igloo I call a basement.
This is a smart play. When you think about it its an indirect way to promote the DLC. Pros livestream almost every day. Now, they HAVE to start playing the DLC maps on a regular basis. When a player like Nadeshot has over a million followers and thousands more fans, he could rake in around 100,000 twitch viewers (just an estimate). Now you have 100,000 potentially reluctant-to-buy-the-DLC players watching his stream, being exposed to the map and being influenced to buy it because "if the pros are doing it, maybe I should too?"
PestiferousJoe (March 11th, 2015)
I purchased the dlc and I haven't played one map lol
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