Now I won't be doing marksman till spring break! But I need help training so if u want send me a party invite
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Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here
Now I won't be doing marksman till spring break! But I need help training so if u want send me a party invite
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HG867 (March 7th, 2015)
I would help you man but my xbox is out for repairs. My tips for you is to not camp like a pleb and to keep moving. You want to be able to move around so you dont get pinned down. Always play the objective, dont be one of those dudes who is in the game for kills only. If you play the objective, you win. Keep that in mind.
Dont look too close
Mr_Fud3m3ntals (March 8th, 2015)
dreag2121 (March 10th, 2015)
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