Mabey I am a bit rusty for not playing for 4 days, but I'd like to say I think this new patch is fucking garbage, what ever they did by adjusting the asm1 damage or fire rate ruined the game for me. That's right I said it..ruined. I don't get pissed off when a sniper shoots me from halfway across the map when I didn't even have a fair chance n couldn't see him. Why? It's his gameplay style more power too him. so why are you going to get pissed off when I wreck you with my asm1? Why do the weapons need adjusting? This is a perfect example of fucking up something that did not need to be fucked with. Ok cool new emblems just a replica of the old ones but now they are gold...ooooohhhh gold. Some may say I should be diverse and use different weapons. I can. I just ENJOY playing with the asm1. Stop fucking with the weapons n shit. wasn't enough time put into the game as is? battlefield hardline can't come soon enough. I'm done bitching now my vigina feels better.