15 more prestiges will be coming soon (sometime this month I thinkkkk) bring the total number of prestiges to 30 in AW. They will be the same emblems as the base 15 but recolored gold.

With each of these new prestiges you earn, you unlock an elite weapon for free... These are NOT randomized.. You get certain ones for each level... For ex. 16th was the BAL-27 Obsidian Steed and so on.. I believe I saw the silver bullet.. thunder tusk at 23rd.. the Pro Pipe.. asm1 speakeasy was on there too and the gun for 30th was another elite variant of the asm1...

When you reach 30th you also receive that purple recolored grand masters armor..

If I find the official page for this I'll post it all I have for now is this vid describing it and goes through each of the elites you get at the levels:

I support this.... Other than already having a few of the guns you get its good to be able to level more and get loots..