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Thread: Ill Take a Moment Here.

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  1. #1
    Bscrubin's Avatar
    Rep Points: 18382
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    Local Date
    March 1st, 2025
    Local Time
    06:04 PM
    Meridian, Idaho
    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Ill Take a Moment Here.

    Hey all,

    I know some of you might not know me, played with me and still don't know me, or know me all too well haha. I just wanted to say thank you to each and every one of you. Before CAG, I went to clans and felt like more like an expendable player. I thought it'd be the same here, but I was totally wrong. SgtGunDoc and SneekNDstroyU were the first to welcome me here with open arms, and get going on my marksman right away. Then I met fucking TheNudeCowboy, and havocizzle and we instantly became the trio. I feel like this is a big dysfunctional family, one that I'll never want to leave. To beastmode celebrating or raging in domination, to blazedetroit sounding like Mannydasnipers son, to even hearing randys bathroom stories. Plus, actually playing with and knowing Cheech. Shit, every other clan I went to, you had to be royalty to play with higher ups, and super royalty to even talk to the founder. I hope to meet more of you and become friends with all of you guys and galls.

    Bscrubs or Bscrubslandia

    P.s. I'm bad at making mushy gushy posts, this was the best I could do.

    CAG Dogg Level: 40 [?]
    Experience: 1,863,968
    Next Level: 2,111,327

  2. The Following 7 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Bscrubin For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (February 28th, 2015),frozen0ninja (February 28th, 2015),KinglyCheese (March 5th, 2015),Lesbehonest (February 28th, 2015),Nude Cowboy (February 28th, 2015),PestiferousJoe (March 3rd, 2015),Sneeky1Shot (February 28th, 2015)

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