Johan Kreig has just joined CAG: The #1 Clan Combat Applications Group™ Forums!
Lets all welcome them to the site.
Thanks Johan Kreig, from the staff at CAG: The #1 Clan Combat Applications Group™ Forums
Meet the newest members of the Clan here as well as view their introductions
Johan Kreig has just joined CAG: The #1 Clan Combat Applications Group™ Forums!
Lets all welcome them to the site.
Thanks Johan Kreig, from the staff at CAG: The #1 Clan Combat Applications Group™ Forums
Errrm... Hi, no idea what to say here tbh, New to Advanced Warfare, but been playing ghosts for a while, was looking for a clan that took social gamers like me (dont have much time these days to get on my 360), couldnt find one, so tried making my own (was so much easier to make clans in the old days), that failed, so I happened upon a post by one of your members on the rather naff excuse for a forum that activision have, and figured I would investigate.
I play under the GT of Johan Kreig.
Welcome to our humble abode here at the CAG Forums! If you play COD BlackOps 2, Ghosts or Advanced Warfare on the XBox 360 please feel free to add me at CAG Azrael. You can find me online any weekday from 2a.m. CST to 5a.m. and most weekends at night or the afternoon.
If you would like to apply to join the CAG Clan and have not already done so, you can easily find a link to do so in your welcome message in your profile. We would love to have you!
Please feel free to check us out and browse through the forums. To find specific topics or threads you can use the (advanced search) option on the far right of the screen just above the forums list. Any questions please ask and just remember that (the only stupid question is the one unasked)
We hope you enjoy you stay with us and thank you for choosing to be a part of the family here at CAG Forums
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thanks, I have posted an application, nice to see a clan that dosnt require new members to basicly perform circus tricks to get in , it also seems that you have already got the kind of clan that I was in the process of trying to make (and have been trying on and off for many years) so win win for me.
EXEprog527 (February 28th, 2015),PestiferousJoe (February 28th, 2015)
Hiya and welcome to the CAG forums! If you play any of the CoDs on the 360 feel free to add my gamertag: CAG EXEprog527. I'm on almost every night and hope to play with ya soon if you do!
If you have any questions feel free to search the forums (top right: advanced search) or if you still have any other questions which need to be answered we are here to help.
Welcome to the forums. If you play on x360 addme, gt - OnixEwok . I am usually playing cod blops2, ghosts or AW. If you haven't yet done so please follow your welcome visitor message to use the link to put in your application for you game and system of choice. If you have any questions feel free to search the forums for the answer odds are someone has already asked and had it answered. If the answer cannot be found feel free to ask it, and someone in the this family will gladly answer. Get yourself acquainted with these forums as to rank up and succeed you will need to be active on them. So look around and enjoy your stay.
Lastly be sure you review and follow the code of conduct and chain of command.
Welcome to the CAG forums! Take a look around and maybe even introduce yourself. If you play advanced warfare or any of the other CODs on the 360 hit me up and we'll play together and get started on your marksman. My GT is RedneckBatman72. If you need any help or have any questions you can search the forums in the top right corner of the website (says advanced search) or don't be afraid to ask. Also make sure to read over the response to your clan application as well as the Chain of Command and the Code of Conduct which are located under the recruiting tab at the top of the page. Make sure to follow these as we take them very seriously here at CAG. I hope you enjoy your stay.
I learned everything I need to know from John Cougar, John Deere, John 3:16
Thanks for the welcome, have added a few of you to freinds, however having now read all of the info regarding getting into the clan, i am having second thoughts, chances of me getting to the point of marksman are slim, i dont have much time to play, I was hoping just to find a clan of people I would be able to play with when i get the chance to get online, I am not a serious gamer, i only play for fun, do you have any kind of associate or freind of the clan status, as i dont think i am the kind of player your wanting in the clan, but i would still like the chance to play with u folks.
Johan Kreig
Founder of TMC (Two Mercs Corporation) and Komrade Kompanie clans.
Veteran of BF2/3, COD MW -> AW
UK Casual Player on Xbox 360
OnixEwok (March 1st, 2015)
OnixEwok (March 1st, 2015)
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