Ok so.. At the top of my page I see a question "Why did the Chicken cross the roadCAG EXEprog527? Post your answer !"
At first I wondered 'should I just ignore it? I haven't seen anybody else post it yet'.. But I decided to bite the bullet and try to figure out what to say. Next I figured I could just be boring and say 'to get to the other side', which would waste alot of people's time and would be sort of expected since EXE is 'that quiet guy in Alpha company'.. So then I thought well maybe I could go up with a sucking up post and say 'because CAG was recruiting and was hurrying to join Cheech's amazing army'.. better but still could possibly be expected.. So I decided on this answer:
Why did the chicken cross the road?.. Because EXE was behind it chasing it with a riot shield with everybody in Alpha chasing behind as well and it is its only option of escape! What other choice would this defenseless chicken have against Alpha Co.'s ass-kickery and wide range of characters?!.. And with Clan Wars being tomorrow the chicken, a metaphor of our competition, will not escape us nor make it to that other side because we will get there first and be victorious!
Let's wreck shit this weekend Alpha WOOO!
- EXE 'that quiet Alpha guy'