Hey there folks,
As some of you may have noticed Mr. CAG Rainydaiz does not have his weapon badges yet! Well we are going to change that. Rainy doesn't currently have access to a computer to where he can post his badges without a major headache. Navigating the site and battlelog on your phone can be a major headache, so I got an idea.
Since Rainy has helped almost every single member in Whiskey with their medals since he has been here I say we return the favor. So what I am asking if for people to post battlelog links where Rainy was in the game with them. I have already and we can properly verify conformable kills through your games you played with him. If you click his name and click view report it will pop up his stats at the top of the screen.
So I would like to use this thread for everyone to post their links in. I will view the links and post in the marksman forums, and badges forum with the proper format for tracking the awards. If you have trouble viewing his stats that is fine just post the link her and I will take care of it from their.
Rainy has had enough kills to earn his expert atleast 3 times over since I have been here in the clan, so lets band together and help our brother out. This man helps recruits get their badges everyday, so lets return the favor. Lets get the whole progression done and get him all the way to his expert done!