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Thread: Xbrianodonnellx

Discuss the Advance Warfare Regiment of CAG's Call Of Duty Brigade here

  1. #11
    OnixEwok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker View Post
    What happened to make the other guys want to leave? Sorry new around here and I have been doing some reading before I decide if I want to join a clan. Have had bad past experience with clans.
    Well put simply we are a clan that rewards effort and activity within the forums and online games, sometimes some people expect the world without properly earning it. The particular members involced in this had a diference of opinion to this philosophy and decide to part ways.

    If you can show respect and be friendly and active with your clanmates then I promise you will enjoy your time here in this clan.

    So put in your application and get started in our family you will love how fast your consoles friend list increases with members who are serious about having fun gaming together.

    CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
    Experience: 7,917,491
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  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to OnixEwok For This Fucking Post:

    Ragez Fury93 (February 27th, 2015)

  3. #12
    CAG Stud
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    Quote Originally Posted by Undertaker View Post
    What happened to make the other guys want to leave? Sorry new around here and I have been doing some reading before I decide if I want to join a clan. Have had bad past experience with clans.
    You quickly raised my eyebrow here ... why?

    1. You didn't add your gamertag in your profile
    2. Your profile says you are from Asia yet your IP is from Kansas
    3. Your question about what happened to make the other guys leave

    Simply put it this way ... We are probably the best structured clan around right now and we DO NOT tolerate drama and anyone questioning our system that has worked for over 10 years and which has changed very little since we started ...

    There are many ways to rank here in CAG and you can read about them in our Chain of Command to get an idea of how you can rank up by simply being an active member on the forums, working towards getting awards and medals and your loyalty and time as a member of CAG ....

    So read the Chain of Command and see if this is the right place for you or not ... We are not going to chase you or try to convince you or beg you to apply to join ... We have plenty of recruits and new members who want to be here and DO NOT question our system, our Integrity and each other ... There is a reason why we keep getting voted #1 on and while that is not enough to even justify us being voted #1 all over these forums you "WILL" see why we are the #1 clan regardless of whether we are voted #1 on a website or not ...

    We take care of our members ... we take care of each other ... We accommodate everyone as much as we can as long as they show us that they want to be here ...

    Have a good day !
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 286,743,042
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  4. The Following 5 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG IRISH (February 26th, 2015),EXEprog527 (February 26th, 2015),QU33N (February 26th, 2015),Ragez Fury93 (February 27th, 2015),rocky110901 (February 26th, 2015)

  5. #13
    CAG IRISH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    You quickly raised my eyebrow here ... why?

    1. You didn't add your gamertag in your profile
    2. Your profile says you are from Asia yet your IP is from Kansas
    3. Your question about what happened to make the other guys leave

    Simply put it this way ... We are probably the best structured clan around right now and we DO NOT tolerate drama and anyone questioning our system that has worked for over 10 years and which has changed very little since we started ...

    There are many ways to rank here in CAG and you can read about them in our Chain of Command to get an idea of how you can rank up by simply being an active member on the forums, working towards getting awards and medals and your loyalty and time as a member of CAG ....

    So read the Chain of Command and see if this is the right place for you or not ... We are not going to chase you or try to convince you or beg you to apply to join ... We have plenty of recruits and new members who want to be here and DO NOT question our system, our Integrity and each other ... There is a reason why we keep getting voted #1 on and while that is not enough to even justify us being voted #1 all over these forums you "WILL" see why we are the #1 clan regardless of whether we are voted #1 on a website or not ...

    We take care of our members ... we take care of each other ... We accommodate everyone as much as we can as long as they show us that they want to be here ...

    Have a good day !
    One of the main reasons I want to be here is because of how the clan is run, the effort and commitment from Cheech and his fellow leaders is immense, and I respect them for that and thank them for this opportunity.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Here's to a long life and a merry one.
    A pretty girl and an honest one.
    A cold pint and another one!

    CAG Dogg Level: 40 [?]
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  6. #14
    buullfrog's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG RE4PER View Post
    Fill out an application. and do the 2 week. Re earn your marksman and all is forgiven. Welcome back.
    I agree with this completely, also, Brian, Cheech may be the top dawg, but Re4per has put an insane amount of time in rebuilding Alpha and I think he also deserves an apology. But in the end we are all a big family here, we work together we play together, and sometimes we all try different things. Being willing to follow the recruit procedure again is a big step, way to man up. And welcome back.

    CAG Dogg Level: 33 [?]
    Experience: 527,240
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  7. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to buullfrog For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (February 26th, 2015),EXEprog527 (February 26th, 2015)

  8. #15
    buullfrog's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by OnixEwok View Post
    Well put simply we are a clan that rewards effort and activity within the forums and online games, sometimes some people expect the world without properly earning it. The particular members involced in this had a diference of opinion to this philosophy and decide to part ways.

    If you can show respect and be friendly and active with your clanmates then I promise you will enjoy your time here in this clan.

    So put in your application and get started in our family you will love how fast your consoles friend list increases with members who are serious about having fun gaming together.
    Man O man can I attest to this, Before CAG I had very few people in my clan to play COD with, I was always getting pissed off playing objective based games and having idiots running around, not communicating and just trying to up K/D rather than taking objectives. Now that I'm a member I have seen my friends list explode with new friends, many of whom I play with on a daily basis. Often we're running full lobbies and rarely do we lose. We finished second place 2 clans wars ago (arguably first place as we were mid match when time ran out) and placed first last clan wars. (platinum division) I have really enjoyed my time here, look forward to the future, earning some sweet gear in wars, and watching that friends list just keep jumping up. also... there ARE women here (that's a plus), ;-) (women that are great players also I must add), sign up, get your marksman, and join the fight!

    CAG Dogg Level: 33 [?]
    Experience: 527,240
    Next Level: 555,345

  9. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to buullfrog For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (February 26th, 2015),EXEprog527 (February 26th, 2015)

  10. #16
    OnixEwok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg View Post
    You quickly raised my eyebrow here ... why?

    1. You didn't add your gamertag in your profile
    2. Your profile says you are from Asia yet your IP is from Kansas
    3. Your question about what happened to make the other guys leave

    Simply put it this way ... We are probably the best structured clan around right now and we DO NOT tolerate drama and anyone questioning our system that has worked for over 10 years and which has changed very little since we started ...

    There are many ways to rank here in CAG and you can read about them in our Chain of Command to get an idea of how you can rank up by simply being an active member on the forums, working towards getting awards and medals and your loyalty and time as a member of CAG ....

    So read the Chain of Command and see if this is the right place for you or not ... We are not going to chase you or try to convince you or beg you to apply to join ... We have plenty of recruits and new members who want to be here and DO NOT question our system, our Integrity and each other ... There is a reason why we keep getting voted #1 on and while that is not enough to even justify us being voted #1 all over these forums you "WILL" see why we are the #1 clan regardless of whether we are voted #1 on a website or not ...

    We take care of our members ... we take care of each other ... We accommodate everyone as much as we can as long as they show us that they want to be here ...

    Have a good day !
    Hmpff... That's an interesting fact regarding country vs. IP... If u was to be attempting a shady forum member account I would at least make some effort in layering a few masks on my IP to legitimize such an easy and obvious ting that an amazing leader as yourself would surely look for first........

    CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
    Experience: 7,917,491
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  11. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to OnixEwok For This Fucking Post:

    EXEprog527 (February 26th, 2015)

  12. #17
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Lol Onix.....just saying

    Sent From On Top Of This Cold Ass Toilet!!
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 286,743,042
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  13. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    OnixEwok (February 26th, 2015)

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