Okay, so I didn't read the book.
Actually, the only reason I went to see this movie was because my friend Melody asked me to come with her. Actually, even better, her boyfriend John asked me to take her so that he didn't have to. I had no idea what I was walking into. The media made it sound like it was going to be a domestic abuse case, when in reality it was a story about a girl being afraid to get a few spankings while getting down and dirty.
I wasn't impressed.
However, when I actually looked into the movie after the fact, even the actors made Christian Grey out as a monster that physically abused Ana. Well...that escalated quickly.
It was sexy, not going to lie. But I didn't get an abusive feeling from it.

Here's basically how it went:

Ana: I like you because your cute and have money
Grey: I like you because I want to spank you while having sex

Ana: Stop buying me nice things and taking me to do cool things
Grey: Lemme take that virginity gurllll.

Ana: I wanna make love
Grey (And I quote, lol): I don't make love, I fuck. Hard.

Ana: Show me the worst you're gunna do to me before I sign this contract saying I'm your bitch
Grey: *Spanks her with belt*
Ana: Don't EVER talk to me again

SO there you have it. It was good, but it wasn't spending $30+ on movie tickets and popcorn good. Definitely an emotional chick flick. I really just digged the music.